Met Italy's Midnight Ridazz!!
Thread started by
ephemerae at 10.8.08 - 12:01 pm
So yeah, I met up with Marco Marzocchi and Fabio Carlini and an American friend of theirs (whose name I unfortunately did not write down) in the Ridazz Italy base city of Ferrara - which is a totally awesome city if you love bikes, cos EVERYONE is riding one - grandmas, little kids, bidnessmen, seriously everyone.
We chatted about the challenges they face trying to get social rides going in a place where everybody is already riding anyway - it's more difficult than you would think! It's roughly equivalent to asking people in Los Angeles to go drive on freeways in packs. And a bunch of other stuff. And we exchanged gifts, they gave me a buncha awesome spoke cards from their rides, a Campagnolo cap and a sweet Italia jersey. I gave them gifts from our peeps, Ridazz shirts and patches, and Wolfpack patches and other stuff. Also Rich donated his Ridazz ALC jersey! They knew all about our rides and activities and were really enthused about this. We exchanged ideas on promoting biking as a social activity and many other ideas.
These dudes ride fixed on cobblestone streets!
Good times were had. Marco and Fabio took me and nanosquid to a restaurant where one of their close friends is the chef, and totally blew our minds with awesome food (as is de rigeur in Italy).
At the time an international buskers festival was happening in Ferrara so there was lots of partying to be had all over the place.
We also did a ride around the city - get this - on top of a the sixteen century fortress-style city wall which goes all the way around the city. That was awesome.
More photos and descriptions are forthcoming but here's one of me and the guys at one of the parties in an old palazzo.
Friend these guys on Facebook! They are our people!
Marco and
i remember that guy in the middle from the bike film festival!
ruinedbyidiots10.8.08 - 12:10 pm
er.. That was my feeble attempt at Italian for "Ride On!".
Joe Borfo10.8.08 - 12:11 pm
The Italians were cool until they put a pump into Dave's spokes and caused him to crash.
cabhauler10.8.08 - 1:27 pm
thx for the awesome MR skull pin italian ridazz duderz.
jchungerford10.8.08 - 1:45 pm
thanks for the pin.
eddieboyinla10.8.08 - 2:29 pm
That's awesome Ben!! Great to see you riding againll!!
digablesoul10.8.08 - 3:34 pm
Way to bridge the community, Ben. If only goth could be as popular as MR
shauners10.9.08 - 9:11 am
Wow! I thought that old MR Italy thread was a hoax! Haha. That's awesome Ben, way to go. Do we all have Italian dopelgangers? Borfocelli? Roadblanchi? Skidmarcello?
SKIDMARCUS10.9.08 - 11:25 am
I thought I saw something by Borfocelli hanging in a museum in Florence, some girl standing in a big shell (hot!) with some dudes with wings playing trumpets. And there was like a Bananarama soundtrack. Wacky Italians.
OK, enough farting around, I gotta sort the bloody photos.
ephemerae10.9.08 - 8:55 pm
how are you ridazz???
we are going all over the place here and spread the midnight ridazz word
i mean we race in alleycats as much as we can and fabio is going soooooo good
people here party and get drunk at the clubs and is soooooo hard to meet people partying on bycicles!!
also if we live in the town of sykle we are just like aliens!!!! but it was the same when i started skateboarding 20 yars ago!!!
pizza with peperoni a go go to all the ridazz
ps check out my pics on flickr
we ride in bologna, verona, milan and a lots are coming!!! yeeesssaaaaa!!
marzok10.10.08 - 5:43 pm
I'm so glad you started this thread because it just makes me want to take my bike to Europe. Totally made me happy to see pix of the Italian Ridazz =)
nancine10.10.08 - 5:49 pm
bianchi rules!!! and you can have cycle from bianchi usa that we don't have in italy, exp. the fixed...anyway here cinelli rules!
but we are finding parts from old cyclist that 40 yars ago use the velodroms is like a karete kid thing anyone in his city has a persona miagi master! :)
marzok10.10.08 - 5:59 pm
there's one of you in the milano bycicle film festival photostream! i mean the one who recognize me!!! :)
oops yes in my flickr page of course
marzok10.10.08 - 6:18 pm
WTF? There's an Italian Ridazz? I didn't know.
I'm heading out to Milan on Thursday and my gf lives in Modena. We sometimes ride rental bikes around Modena, Reggio nell'Emilia and Parma, which is pretty close to Ferrara, Italy while it's still in the Emilia-Romagana portion of Italy.
ahhhh... ciao Italian ridazz, If you are in the Modena or Reggio nell'Emilia areas, hit me up this weekend. Maybe my gf and I will ride or something.
I'm hoping they're okay from the earthquake too. They were far from the epicenter, but the quake was felt as far as Bologna from what I've read in la repubblica.
Noble Experiment04.7.09 - 10:37 pm
Yeah dude get your ass to Ferrara, it's easy to get to by train (and is not far from Venice)
I had a blast with these guys
ephemerae04.8.09 - 8:04 am