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larsenf at 04.30.09 - 6:15 pm
To all my good ridazz friends out there i'm in need of some "gears." I have a potentially HUGE job in santa barbra coming up and i am car free and gear free. Does anyone have a touring bike they can loan me next wed-sun. Imagine, you yourself can be ultra hip on my 56cm cannondale capo for a weekend. Im looking for anything 54cm-58cm preferably with rack/panniers/basket. Also those who have done the trip before, what are good routes?
i know how to work on bikes and lock bikes with my almighty u-lock so you wouldn't need to worry about your steed.
larsenf04.30.09 - 6:17 pm
ride the train up,take your bike with and ride it in santa barbara.
robert stanfield04.30.09 - 6:30 pm
thought about that, not as much fun and i can hardly feed myself let alone buy a train ticket.
larsenf04.30.09 - 6:31 pm
meh, its only 28$. i still think it would be more fun to ride...
larsenf04.30.09 - 6:40 pm
i rode to san diego on my capo and it was numb nutz.
you can do it!!!!!!!
robert stanfield04.30.09 - 6:48 pm
aye totally doable on a fixie. I've done centuries on mine before.
FuzzBeast04.30.09 - 6:51 pm
fuzz is right.after 50 miles,you hardly notice the nex 50.
plus,the view along the coast is sooooo nice.
do it do it do it do it
robert stanfield04.30.09 - 6:55 pm
just wear good shorts
your nards will thank you.
FuzzBeast04.30.09 - 7:13 pm
yea ive done a century too but i need to carry enough shit to look good all four days (for the job). that i cant do on a capo
larsenf04.30.09 - 7:15 pm