what are you trying to say!?!? huh?!?! huh?!?1
coldcut04.20.09 - 11:37 am
if you fart inside a freezer, does it make a smell?
04.20.09 - 3:09 pm
probably not. depends on the freezer though. walk in freezers have exhaust fans that will just suck out all the smell. if you ever are in a bind for a spot to smoke a bowl, walk in freezers are cool.
coldcut04.20.09 - 12:26 pm
ah, i can see you've also worked at a supermarket. that was the most fun job i ever had. too bad i got caught on camera shooting the butcher with a pellet gun.
tortuga_veloce04.20.09 - 3:02 pm
anyway, my theory was that the fart actually freezes in midair and settles on the floor. does that make sense?
tortuga_veloce04.20.09 - 3:03 pm
hydrogen sulfide freezes at -210 C and methane freezes at -182.50 C.
coldcut04.20.09 - 3:25 pm
Now why did you go and shoot the butcher with a pellet gun???
He chase you with a cleaver? or force you to eat Rocky Mountain Oysters, raw???
bentstrider04.20.09 - 3:25 pm
he was channeling you for a second.
coldcut04.20.09 - 3:27 pm
I swear sometimes the toilet feels that cold that when I sit down.
Roadblock04.20.09 - 3:42 pm
I swear I had a shit look like the fake shit in those little toilet cups once. with the tip and everything. I laughed.
la duderina04.20.09 - 3:57 pm
pictures or it didn't happen.
coldcut04.20.09 - 3:59 pm
that's making me thirsty... do you have a popsicle?
snowcone04.20.09 - 4:30 pm
hydrogen sulfide freezes at -210 C and methane freezes at -182.50 C.
04.20.09 - 6:25 pm
yes, but at what temperature does aeresol poop freeze?
tortuga_veloce04.20.09 - 6:08 pm
Now why did you go and shoot the butcher with a pellet gun???
He chase you with a cleaver? or force you to eat Rocky Mountain Oysters, raw???
04.20.09 - 6:25 pm
i was stacking boxes of juice in the back, and he started throwing raw ground beef at the boxes above my head. some of it fell behind the stacks and wound up stinking for a few days.
you'd be surprised how quickly maggots will eat a pound of raw beef. steaks on the other hand tend to stick around for a while longer....
something tells me you know exactly what im talking about, adam.
tortuga_veloce04.20.09 - 6:13 pm