Tire Question!

Thread started by
Thatslife711 at 05.15.09 - 3:22 pm
Anyone be running the Soma Everwear tire???
Good? Bad?
Keep in mind ima Skidder
when you're a skidder, remember to wear dark underwear.
barleye05.15.09 - 3:23 pm

I'm currently running the Soma Everwear...and I love it. You can skid on the thing all day.
BlAcKnYeLLoWfUji05.15.09 - 3:24 pm
the guy told me after a while of skidding
it changes colors
is that true???
Thatslife71105.15.09 - 3:27 pm
the sidewalls in these tires are notoriously bad. good if you can skid in a straight line, but bad if you whip your rear tire to the left and right.
get a gatorskin and call it a day.
ruinedbyidiots05.15.09 - 3:29 pm
i just got the everwear like an hour ago
i keep in mind the gatorskin for my next purchase
Thatslife71105.15.09 - 3:33 pm
the thing is it really is about twice as thick as any other 23mm tire, so it will last 2x as long or more. mine is practically square. gatorskins are cool for the front but it's kinda stupid to skid on a $40 tire that you'll wear out pretty fucking quick. also, once it starts to square up, it wears more slowly because the contact patch is bigger. Maybe.
if your frame can fit them, vittoria randonnuers are the best.
stevestevesteve05.15.09 - 5:26 pm