Thread started by
_iJunes at 05.12.09 - 11:26 am
so looking through the bike to work day pit stop pamphlet, there are stops handing out schwag and refreshments from 6-am to 9-am.
i also noticed that each pitstop has different "sponsors" with potential for different kinds of schwag. for example
Noho station sponsored by Metro.
Hollywood/Western station supported by Illuminate LA
Winnetka Orange Line station sponsored by REI northridge.
anybody want to do a hustle ride in the morning leaving noho station at 6 in the morning and attmept to collect as much free shit as possible?
LOL! I'm down, but you'd probably leave my ass wayyy behind.
mattspeed05.12.09 - 11:27 am
same i would like to but you probably would leave my ass behind lol..
tekmo05.12.09 - 12:03 pm
the route i kind of drew up ends in santa monica by 9. i dont think you would get dropped but finding your way back is kind of the tough part. the ride would be over as soon as it hits 9 and maybe you can tell your boss that you biked to work and see if you get a free late pass.
_iJunes05.12.09 - 1:32 pm
doubt that would happen for me, my store just opened monday and its busy busy week, i wouldnt mind a little ride in DTLA.
tekmo05.12.09 - 1:45 pm
I'm down. We'll see if I wake up in time. Maybe meet up with Bike Instead of Work later on?
danya05.12.09 - 1:53 pm
We'll be celebrating
Bike Instead of Work Day at the Hollywood/Western Red Line Station starting at 6 am. At 8:30 we take off on the EXPO EXPOSURE ride down Western to Exposition Blvd. and out west, the route of the Expo Line.
We meet, we hang out, we talk to Channel 4, we argue with PC, we ride.
At 8:30 we ride down Western Avenue to Exposition Boulevard and ride the route that the Expo line bike path SHOULD take if the Expo Construction Authority actually cared about cyclists.
This ride is our opportunity to demonstrate what the East-West route could look like if they would support cyclists.
The current plans for the Expo Bike Path call for an almost complete bike path that simply disappears at the tough points.
Completely unacceptable, just like their plan to shirk their responsibilities and have the local authorities work together to make it happen. That's never worked, just look at the Culver Blvd Bike Path with the Billboard in center of the path. (Metro, LADOT & Caltrans working together!)
We ride to the Westside, watch Agent Orange go to work and then we ride back to USC for a free lunch at LANI.
Just like last year but with more attitude!
Thursday at Hollywood & Western! We ride at 8:30 am.
SoapBoxLA05.12.09 - 10:42 pm
Im going to do my best to catch all the pit stops in DTLA :)
Avis_One05.12.09 - 10:53 pm
i think i'm gonna leave my house at 5am to be at winnetka by 6, then bike back to noho and take the train to hollywood and western cos i'd really love to do the expo line ride.
otherwise, i'd be down to hustle to the stops.
coldcut05.12.09 - 11:36 pm
sux I have to be at school by 7 so I won't be able to get to any pit stops.
Gav05.13.09 - 8:35 am
UCLA had freebies at Westwood and LeConte on Tuesday.
This Thursday, they will have more free stuff (patch kits, maps, velcro things to keep your pants from getting d-stroyed, mini muffins, etc) at the Bruin Bear on the UCLA Campus.
jericho1ne05.13.09 - 12:22 pm
Hollywood & Western, bright and early. We'll be there @ 6 and we ride @ 8:30. Expo Exposure!
SoapBoxLA05.13.09 - 10:51 pm
its 2:29am, i just got off work like 30mins ago.. i AINT GOING to sleep.. or i'll miss this...
tekmo05.14.09 - 2:30 am
at SoapBox, while were at DTLA maybe we can stop by Little Tokyo and grab some Johnny Rockets :)
I'm the manager there and i've got my ways for free grub for you :) maybe others if my "THING" works :)..just look for me "ASIAN GUY w/ a BLUE Framed NISHIKI OLYMPIC" road bike.
tekmo05.14.09 - 2:31 am