Thread started by
Thatslife711 at 05.11.09 - 5:12 pm
Suggest we cut down on the MR and Crankmob Breaks
and actually ride longer!!!!
breaks are very important. But after 223234 hours of drinking and blasting lame music , it becomes very boring. i thought this was about the ride? not some kickback
smashing05.11.09 - 5:15 pm
mad perv krew..
what is your purpose? are you a graf crew lost on the mr forum or are you a group of perverted fixed geat hipsters trying to find your balence?
remember, go pry open that trunk and get those amps..
theshues05.11.09 - 6:25 pm
"Suggest we cut down on the MR and Crankmob Breaks
and actually ride longer!!!!"
This is a statement that I agree with, but heading your post "MadPervKrew" might cause a lot of people to miss it.
mr rollers05.11.09 - 6:29 pm
Pervs have a lot to be Mad about. I'm glad you found each other and started a Krew
SKIDMARCUS05.11.09 - 6:42 pm