Post Robotz Stretch Session
Thread started by
pr0xy at 05.10.09 - 2:44 pm
None of us stretch enough. Before we know it our legs will turn to rocks through which delicious, oxygen rich and performance enhancing blood can no longer flow.
Who's up for a stretch session? I'll guide it. We can do it in Admiralty Park just like the rich people do sometime tomorrow post-work.
I'd rather have post Robotz medication.
Gav05.10.09 - 2:46 pm
I got pretty sick after my last Robotz, maybe there was something in the sand.
Gav05.10.09 - 2:56 pm
I'm a survivor!
Gav05.10.09 - 3:09 pm
I used to stretch when I was taking lessons in Taek Won Do back in '98.
Stretching was heavily emphasized in there and were usually the bulk of warm-up exercises before moving onto techniques.
I stopped taking that after I realized we weren't going too far in the real-life, ass-whooping exercises that could save our lives.
bentstrider05.10.09 - 8:23 pm
I had my doubts about theladiesman, but now I see that he can be a funny ladies' man.
imachynna05.10.09 - 10:25 pm
right, Chynna? that exchange btw him and Gav was quite amusing.
Also, stretching should be done PRE ride, if it is to be effective.
la duderina05.10.09 - 10:30 pm
Well, I've found several, inner-crescent kicks going over the top off my head actually does something to keep me from tensing up any worse than I already do.
bentstrider05.10.09 - 10:34 pm
"Also, stretching should be done PRE ride, if it is to be effective."
Actually, this is no longer true.
You're supposed to warm up the muscles before exercising (by doing light jogging, easy cycling, lifting a set of lighter weights if you're lifting, etc.), but stretching should come after the exercise. They discovered this with basketball players, as stretching regularly AFTER exercising increases general flexibility, but serious stretching just before a game led to increase strain/hyperextension injuries.
JB05.10.09 - 10:37 pm
I actually feel the effects of stretching after I'm warmed up.
Gav05.10.09 - 10:46 pm
idk, that makes sense, but if I don't stretch before a strenuous ride I cramp up like a mother fucker.
la duderina05.10.09 - 10:46 pm
Also, stretching should be done PRE ride, if it is to be effective.
massage is more effective and stretch AFTERWARDS to loosen any tightened muscle fibers and promote circulation
_iJunes05.10.09 - 10:59 pm
stretch during the ride so don't cramp then
Gav05.10.09 - 10:59 pm
there's nothing wrong with dynamic stretches before exercise, in fact they're encouraged; it's static stretching that you want to stay away from
sshagy05.10.09 - 11:03 pm
there's dynamic stretching and static stretching, don't group them into the same category
sshagy05.10.09 - 11:08 pm
i got a yoga dvd at the library and tried it. Not pretty.
Oil can..oil can... oh. Lame. That was the Tin Man, not a R08oT... forget it!
mixtemotions05.10.09 - 11:11 pm
The thing with stretching is that there are different stretches ideal for pre and post workouts. All stretches are not alike.
kryxtanicole05.11.09 - 12:23 am