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Thread started by ideasculptor at 05.9.09 - 12:06 am
In a fit of mid-life nostalgia, I bought 2 tix to see The Dead at the forum tomorrow night, some months back. I then completely neglected to find someone to attend with. I'm thinking I'd like to ride over there, probably from pier pressure. Doors are at 7:30pm. They are pretty good seats.
Note, you must actually like the music of the Grateful Dead. I'm not spending the evening apologizing for music to someone who has no clue what they are getting into.
My phone number is in my profile. My email address is anything @ dot com
I have two extra tickets to the sold out Dustin O'Halloran show at the Getty tonight!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
be there before 6:30 to get the tickets from me, otherwise you're screwed.