SHARROWS: Sign Petition!
Thread started by
meandmybluebike at 05.8.09 - 11:43 am
Help make LA a safer city for everyone! Please be a proactive member of this community and sign the petition. then you can celebrate by doing some fixie tricks and skids.
Sign The Petition For Sharrows In Los Angeles
just cut and paste info from the link or just cut a paste this to the email addresses below:,,
Mayor Villaraigosa,
Los Angeles faces the simultaneous crises of air pollution, traffic congestion, rising fuel costs and increasing rates of obesity and diabetes as a result of inactive lifestyles. Bicycle transportation is a vastly underdeveloped resource that can address all of these issues at once. The Sharrows (shared-lane markings) Pilot Project is a cost- effective, easy and safe solution that can have immediate benefits for Angelenos. Sharrow implementation is a shovel-ready green project.
We know that you, Mayor, are committed to making L.A. the greenest big city in the world and into an environmentally sustainable city. Sharrows are a cost-effective step in achieving your goal.
In your 2007 Green L.A. Plan you committed to reduce energy consumption, transition to renewable power sources, and change the ways that we commute to work and school. Your plan also calls for L.A. to cut smog, save money on energy costs, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and fossil fuels, and to create jobs and grow our economy by investing in green technologies. Sharrows further all your stated goals and more, by encouraging people to choose bicycling as an alternative mode of transportation. Implementing sharrows will demonstrate your commitment to introducing more green technologies in L.A. that will not only create jobs, as well as being cost-effective, highly visible and improving safety on our streets.
LADOT has committed to implementing sharrows on L.A. streets by end of 2009. We are concerned that the Sharrows Pilot Project is not being prioritized and that the project will continue to be postponed. Please do all that is in your power to ensure that LADOT implements the Sharrows Pilot Project as soon as possible, by no later than fall 2009. You will be making an important, visible step in putting Los Angeles on the map as a green city.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter and for your commitment to improving the environment and the quality of life for all Los Angeles residents.
I am out of the office starting Wednesday, May 6, 2009.
I will be back in the office Tuesday, May 12, 2009.
If you need immediate assistance please contact my assistant Karen at or (213) 978-0648.
For ground transportation (LADOT & MTA) issues, please contact Associate Director Marisa Perez at or (21....
For aviation issues, please contact Associate Director Jim Bickhart at or (213) 978-0641.
aksendz05.8.09 - 4:30 pm