California Borrowing 20 Billion
Thread started by
el_spaniard at 05.7.09 - 1:50 pm
A government, borrowing money? Now I've seen everything.
PC05.7.09 - 1:51 pm
I voted Democrat because
I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are
obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas
at 15% isn't.
I voted Democrat because
I believe the government will do a better job of
spending the money I earn than I would.
I voted Democrat because
Freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.
I voted Democrat because
When we pull out of Iraq I trust that the bad guys will stop what
they are doing because they now think we are good people.
I voted Democrat because
I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local
police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves.
I voted Democrat because
I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can
tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if
I don't start driving a Prius.
I voted Democrat because
I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care,
education, and Social Security benefits.
I voted Democrat because
I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for
themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to
the government for redistribution as the democrats see fit.
I voted Democrat because
I believe liberal judges need to rewrite The Constitution every few
days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas
past the voters.
I voted Democrat because
My head is so firmly planted up my ass that it is unlikely that I'll
ever have another point of view.
el_spaniard05.7.09 - 1:51 pm
You don't like the philosophy of borrow-and-spend, and you're mad at
PC05.7.09 - 1:53 pm
this guy knows we have a republican governor, right?
onelessfixie05.7.09 - 1:54 pm
Wait, was I just trolled? Thank God, I thought you really were that dense.
PC05.7.09 - 1:56 pm
ahem... I mean Faux News
or Fox Noise?
I like the Fox Comedy Channel
onelessfixie05.7.09 - 1:58 pm
Your making assumptions...
You sure Arnold is a Republican? Hmmm? Yes?
el_spaniard05.7.09 - 1:59 pm
The philosophy of borrow-and-spend was introduced on a large scale by Republicans. Republicans. If you don't like it, and there are a lot of good reasons not to like it, take it up with the Reagan crowd.
In the future, try doing some reading beyond your Inbox.
PC05.7.09 - 1:59 pm
Republican this Republican that...Why did you bring up Republicans?
Do you pay taxes PC?
el_spaniard05.7.09 - 2:00 pm
For the second time, I brought up the Republicans because Republicans brought the philosophy--not just the practice, but the philosophy--of borrow-and-spend to this country on a large scale beginning in the Reagan administration. If you can't read well, read slowly.
PC05.7.09 - 2:03 pm
I love paying taxes. Taxes are a good thing. The more taxes we pay, that are wisely spent by our government, the better our quality of life. If you don't realize that...which no Republican/conservative does...well..
god I need to get out of this country. take me to a place with 50% taxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you know that the happiest people on the planet, literally the happiest people...they've done research...are ALL IN SOCIALIST COUNTRIES WHERE THE TAX RATE IS THE HIGHEST??
hmmmm? did you know that? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??
and I'm leaving junes...right now...or else I'll get stuck here ranting on politics and fail my exam tomorrow.
onelessfixie05.7.09 - 2:04 pm
So why did you bring up the Republicans?
Then go live in a socialist country with 50% taxes...and be happy...
I'll stay California...riding my bicycle...
el_spaniard05.7.09 - 2:09 pm
If I tell you a third time, will it actually penetrate the fat-brain barrier?
PC05.7.09 - 2:10 pm
Well, all rightie. Are all the electrodes hooked up? Machine up and running? Good. Here we go.
For the third time, Spannie, I brought up the Republicans because Republicans brought the philosophy--not just the practice, but the philosophy--of borrow-and-spend to this country on a large scale beginning in the Reagan administration.
(*watches screen intently*)
PC05.7.09 - 2:16 pm
So its all the Republicans fault, is what your trying to say...
Well that's fine...I don't like them either...
I like to keep ma money in ma pocket, so I can go buy fast food that makes my head fatter...
el_spaniard05.7.09 - 2:19 pm
No, it's not all the Republicans' fault. But it's substantially their idea.
So next time you're angry about borrow-and-spend government and the massive mounting debt that attends it, instead of copying and pasting some idiotic anti-Democrat glurge from your Inbox, copy and paste some idiotic anti-Republican glurge from your Inbox.
PC05.7.09 - 2:23 pm
If it makes you happy PC, you can talk as much shit about the Republicans as you want on this thread...
I live in a blue state that is borrowing 20 I point my finger at the Dems.
If I lived in motherfucking Texas (a RED state), I would bitch and moan about the motherfucking republicans borrowing 20 Billion.
You see how that works PC...RED...BLUE...RED...BLUE...RED...BLUE...
So on and so forth...
el_spaniard05.7.09 - 2:28 pm
ok, so if you dont believe in government spending, you obviously dont believe we should pay for road resurfacing.
you feel that oil companies should benefit from our foreign wars and the right to extract natural resources, but we should foot the bill and let them keep the profits.
and since you believe in freedom of speech, you would obviously have a problem with the republican party excluding citizens with tickets from political events because of political bumper stickers found on their cars.
and you dont believe in global warming even if the overwhelming majority of scientists can prove it...because a few republican oil men told you not to believe the scientists?
also you think that illegal aliens should be allowed to be exploited by meatpacking plants, lose fingers, hands and lives, providing you with cheap burgers and big profits for big business--but that if they go to the hospital, they need to be deported.
and if you want judges to rewrite the constitution to benefit the fringe, you must love Bush's appointments.
have a great time eating your handburger and riding your bicycle in your gated community.
tortuga_veloce05.7.09 - 2:32 pm
WTF does the color of our state have to do with our Governor? Are you that stupid? The buck stops with the Governor, not the color of our state.
toweliesbong05.7.09 - 2:32 pm
I live in a blue state that is borrowing 20 I point my finger at the Dems.
If I lived in motherfucking Texas (a RED state), I would bitch and moan about the motherfucking republicans borrowing 20 Billion.
but you were complaining about global warming, gun control and the iraq war! are you trying to say that if you lived in texas you would parrot michael moore instead of sean hannity?
tortuga_veloce05.7.09 - 2:34 pm
Schwarzenfaker=R.I.N.O.(Republican In Name Only)
Just because this fucker played a bad-ass in movie-land does not make him qualified to fix the problems this state was facing in the short and long term.
If anything, Davis already jumped ship and we needed someone with proven skill and education/experience to steer it away from that reef.
McClintock would've made it happen, but too many people were too blinded with false hopes and over-done speech-writing that they gave into the gold-covered, candy bar.
One way they could fix the economy would be to simply dissolve all the shit bureaucracy that requires everything of importance to drain through its filters.
Next would be to temporarily place a halt on the collection of license fess and certain taxes to allow businesses to regain capital on their own without any distraction.
bentstrider05.7.09 - 2:36 pm
Another thing, I don't really trust either of the two parties anymore.
The way things are going, they're secretly blowing each other behind closed doors.
bentstrider05.7.09 - 2:39 pm
well, if you dont believe that the government should provide for local services, it would follow that you aspire to pay only for the services that you use, the nadir of which being the private, gated community--paid for by private user fees and restricted in access to those who pay for the privelage.
but if it helps, you can just respond to everything else i said.
tortuga_veloce05.7.09 - 2:39 pm
Michael Moore is an idiot...
And I do not know this sean hannity fellow you speak of...
I won't bitch about Gun Control issues in this state anymore. That situation is being taken care of.
I've never been to Iraq. Have you been to Iraq?
I ride a fucking bicycle...and I don't believe in Global Warming...
el_spaniard05.7.09 - 2:40 pm
I live in a blue state that is borrowing 20 I point my finger at the Dems.
If I lived in motherfucking Texas (a RED state), I would bitch and moan about the motherfucking republicans borrowing 20 Billion.
You see how that works PC...RED...BLUE...RED...BLUE...RED...BLUE...
Yeah, I see how it works: you haven't the faintest idea what is going on, and you have even less understanding of how we got here. If it makes you feel any better, there are millions out there just like you--including, FWIW, the bubba who wrote that crap that you copied from your Inbox. Now that you know you don't know, you're in a position to go out and learn. Will you do it? As I said, you're going to have to do some reading.
PC05.7.09 - 2:48 pm
OK, folks, I've pretty much led the horse to water here.
PC05.7.09 - 2:52 pm
if we can repeal the state's 2/3 law, then we can truly place blame on whoever is making this state red or blue. until then, none of our legislators are accountable to anyone.
sciencefriction05.7.09 - 2:59 pm
where did you learn what you've told us here today? where do you get your information?
honestly, im just curious.
tortuga_veloce05.7.09 - 4:06 pm
hey man privatize everything!
first thing is privatize the military. yup dissolve that big old public drain on our tax money. I'm down to raise up my gun if someone tries to take my private property but fuck the rest of you people. I'm tired of soldiers sucking off the govt's teet. I dont see any terrorists coming after my own personal shit. get rid of the GI bill too, and healthcare for the military? GTFO I'd rather spend that on my own private healthcare thankyou very much. since our country's budget is 50% military* then that will reduce my taxes by 50% in one fell swoop.
next, privatize government agencies like firemen, police and the prison system. cops shouldnt be getting my tax money they should be paid by people who own shit to protect in the first place! businesses can pay for the cops at their leisure. and firemen? I mean I guess I could chip in a few bucks to save my apartment if it lights on fire, but when does that ever happen so fuck firemen too!
what next... oh, lets give the gas face to street services and trash collectors. what the fuck do these people do? pave the roads? fuck them, I dont need pavement, I can just ride my mountain bike and yeah ok I'll throw a few bucks at the trash collector to come pick up my trash I guess. and good thing we've got private schools cause I'm done with paying for public schools. my boy needs some churchin up put the fear of god into that motherfucker yeah boy! let god pay for his edumacation!
another thing I'm sick of paying for is these damn evironmentalists who try to protect the wilderness. who the fuck wants a bunch of wild overgrown shit everywhere! I for one say get rid of all the fucking hippie rainbows and purple fucking mountains majesty! that shit looks gay!
this will really help our bottomline so I can go buy even more special shit at wal-mart for even LESS! I'm so KING!**
*something like that
** Chungerford is so not king
Roadblock05.7.09 - 4:22 pm
I voted Republican because
I believe oil companies' have the right to dictate the terms of our energy policy.
I voted Republican because
I believe Halliburton and Xe (Blackwater) will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.
I voted Republican because
Freedom of speech shouldn't be extended to artists, activists, or immigrants.
I voted Republican because
Whoever invades a country under false pretenses should be able to dictate the length of the occupation.
I voted Republican because
Might=Right - Bomb first ask questions later.
I voted Republican because
I need to be able to buy assault rifles and carry concealed firearms at any time without any restrictions.
I voted Republican because
Torture isn't torture unless it kills somebody, then it isn't torture its an accident.
I voted Republican because
Science is just a vast left wing conspiracy to addle corporations with needless regulations and convince us that we weren't made out of clay by an omniscient being that has existed forever but started feeling lonely about 6000 years ago.
I voted Republican because
Nobody should be allowed to immigrate to America now that my family is here.
I voted Republican because
I believe that business should be eligible for welfare, immune from accountability and prosecution, and free to have tax shelters on Caribbean islands.
I voted Republican because
The constitution was better when it favored land-owning white males, blacks were only 3/5 of a person, women couldn't vote, and gays could be arrested for having sex.
I voted republican because
George Bush was the smartest, wisest, most articulate president in the history of the union and his 2 terms were the best 8 years of my life!
trickmilla05.8.09 - 7:27 pm
Okay, I could see the need for restrictions on weapons like assault rifles.
Yes, some firearms we could do without, but if we're going to end up like the UK and make someone do 10-15 years in state for packing a small-caliber self-defense weapon, then gun-control will have really gotten out of hand.
Not to mention the real criminals will always be able to get their hands on something, so we've got to find some type of common ground to keep most of us satisfied.
bentstrider05.8.09 - 7:43 pm
hey man privatize everything!
first thing is privatize the military. yup dissolve that big old public drain on our tax money. I'm down to raise up my gun if someone tries to take my private property but fuck the rest of you people. I'm tired of soldiers sucking off the govt's teet. I dont see any terrorists coming after my own personal shit. get rid of the GI bill too, and healthcare for the military? GTFO I'd rather spend that on my own private healthcare thankyou very much. since our country's budget is 50% military* then that will reduce my taxes by 50% in one fell swoop.
next, privatize government agencies like firemen, police and the prison system. cops shouldnt be getting my tax money they should be paid by people who own shit to protect in the first place! businesses can pay for the cops at their leisure. and firemen? I mean I guess I could chip in a few bucks to save my apartment if it lights on fire, but when does that ever happen so fuck firemen too!
what next... oh, lets give the gas face to street services and trash collectors. what the fuck do these people do? pave the roads? fuck them, I dont need pavement, I can just ride my mountain bike and yeah ok I'll throw a few bucks at the trash collector to come pick up my trash I guess. and good thing we've got private schools cause I'm done with paying for public schools. my boy needs some churchin up put the fear of god into that motherfucker yeah boy! let god pay for his edumacation!
another thing I'm sick of paying for is these damn evironmentalists who try to protect the wilderness. who the fuck wants a bunch of wild overgrown shit everywhere! I for one say get rid of all the fucking hippie rainbows and purple fucking mountains majesty! that shit looks gay!
this will really help our bottomline so I can go buy even more special shit at wal-mart for even LESS! I'm so KING!**
I think this is the first time that both PC and RB were present in a thread and RB made me laugh harder. Congrats RB!
"purple fucking mountains majesty! that shit looks gay!"
god damn this fucking place and its never ending sources of priceless entertainment.
la duderina05.8.09 - 8:22 pm
+1 billion to trickmilla, too.
la duderina05.8.09 - 8:23 pm
Yeah? Well, this is no laughing matter: GTFO.
PC05.8.09 - 8:30 pm
damn I'm glad someone caught the humor. I was afraid by lack of response to this thread that people were taking that seriously... (though I DO believe that anyone who supports the idea of a big bad military and complains about high taxes needs to STFU)
Roadblock05.8.09 - 8:34 pm
where does it come from - POOF! here it is!
Moriarty05.8.09 - 11:51 pm