Bike To Work Day RIDE!!

Thread started by
aurisha at 05.6.09 - 2:17 pm
A ride the day before the official Bike to Work Day to get the masses excited to bike to work on the 14th!
When: Wednesday, May 13th 8:00 am
Where:Meet at Civic Center Metro Red Line Station ends at City Hall
L.A. County’s bicycling community is taking over the streets of Downtown L.A. to demonstrate how people from all over LA County can easily access major downtown work sites, Metro Rail Stations, civic and entertainment centers by bicycle.
This will also show LA City Officials that cyclists are out there in large and growing numbers and need more bike lanes and equal and respectful treatment.
Let’s show them who we are and how we ride!!
ummm. cool. I guess the more people cycling instead of driving, the better. I already ride to work and back every day. I live in Northridge and work in Agoura Hills, My velo says its 38.2 miles one way, and surprisingly with a good enough bike and some experience, I make each side in about 48 mins to an hour. Funny thing is, driving my average time is about 36- 45 mins, one way. FUCK TRAFFIC AND PAYING FOR GAS. RIDING AN EXTRA FEW MINUTES IS ALL GOOD WITH ME!
ONEpedalDEATHkick 81805.6.09 - 10:05 pm