Acura Bike LA Tour

Thread started by
blurb at 05.5.09 - 11:23 am
Acura Bike LA Tour, 26.8 miles of LA streets closed, riders only no vehicles to run over you or police to chase you down.... and I think you get a free Tshirt... or actually a really expensive Tshirt... for 40$ Any one riding?
there are tons of threads about this already.
its also close to 22 miles because the bike portion isnt the same as the running portion.
ruinedbyidiots05.5.09 - 11:24 am
I'm posting here because this one's at the top of the thread list, and I'm too lazy to dig out the previous threads.
It's gonna be early in the morning and there will be thousands of bikes there. Anybody familiar enough with the start area to call out a meet-up spot?
I'd love to ride with my ridazz.
Creative Thing05.5.09 - 11:36 am
we met up at 3am at the mcdonalds a few blocks from usc and rode the course in the middle of the night. by the time we got back to the start, people had already started lining up to ride it officially. when they started leaving, we snuck in with them and rode it again. no bibs, no helmets, breaking all the rules, etc etc. no one got in trouble for it.
we will probably do this again.
ruinedbyidiots05.5.09 - 11:40 am
3 am?
Why go to sleep Saturday night?
Hard for me to think about this right now, while recovering from the Dark Century all nighter.
I'll be better in a few weeks.
Creative Thing05.5.09 - 11:43 am
quintouple post..... 3am?
blurb05.5.09 - 11:43 am
I'm down to do this, when is it though? I have a flyer in my bag, but too lazy to dig through all the shit.
northernsoulbyrd05.5.09 - 11:44 am
blurb05.5.09 - 11:47 am
3am all the streets are blocked off and they only thing you have to worry about are the tow trucks that are getting rid of the cars parked on the street by their idiot owners who forgot to move them.
its on memorial day.
ruinedbyidiots05.5.09 - 11:49 am