Another Day Another Motherfucking DUI'er Hits A Cyclist
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Agent Orange at 05.3.09 - 8:11 am
This time it was at Los Feliz Boulevard somewhere in Glendale. Driver was arrested. The female cyclist suffered "multiple leg fractures," according to CBS2 News:
It happend on the corner of san fernando& los feliz in glendale,
On my way back from pasadena I saw the scene and when I saw a bicycle on the ground my heart stoped,
I asked an officer what happend and what's the status of the bicyclist,and he told me the bicyclist is alright,just had an broken leg and couple of bruises and scratches,but he rufused for some reason to tell me info regarding the driver,wheather he was drunk,ill or what.
madmike05.3.09 - 8:30 am
Yeah madmike, safety agencies are restricted as to what they can and cannot reveal to the public regarding a crime scene and suspects -- especially at such a preliminary stage.
Agent Orange05.3.09 - 8:44 am
Hopefully she comes back all bionic and kicks that drivers ass!
revolutionary05.3.09 - 3:56 pm
At least the cops didn't offer the asshole a ride home and try to give the girl a ticket.
blackout_blacklung05.3.09 - 4:05 pm
@blackout - what are you referring to? And when will we see you at polo again? you're missed.
kryxtanicole05.3.09 - 4:08 pm
I'm making loose reference to the SUV on the ride the other week and I'll be there tonight but only to watch and start to get my nerve back
blackout_blacklung05.3.09 - 4:11 pm