Moji needs a home.
Thread started by
FuzzBeast at 04.29.09 - 6:04 am
I'm moving out of my place on Friday, I have a small leopard gecko and he needs a home.
He's friendly and simple to take care of, can be fed as infrequently as once a month (mass feeding, or more frequently in smaller amounts), either crickets or meal worms, etc, and lives in a glass tank (included), Moji needs a home.
Will he dance to robot for me?
Seriously...does Moji use one of those heaty lamps?
revolutionary04.29.09 - 8:40 am
I would assume so, since he's a heterotherm. Also, I'll adopt if you can't find a home for him. The only reason I'm reluctant is my poor track record with keeping animals alive. I'd hope to do better with reptiles, but would rather not risk it, especially with someone else's pet.
danya04.29.09 - 9:37 am
I heard these creatures are good for if you have a cockroach problem
la duderina04.29.09 - 10:48 am
I just feel bad for caged animals. Cuz they have no friends to frollic with. I know absolutely nothing about these critters. Inherrited a python for a while, that was incredibly odd. Water turtles... that was a mess.
I can assist with a temporary home until it finds a good family who will train it to do the robot.
revolutionary04.29.09 - 11:01 am
well, he's fairly young, only 4 or 5 years old max, I don't really know, I think I'm the third owner already.
Leopard Geckos are solitary animals anyway. They only get together in the wild to reproduce, and most places recommend keeping them separate unless breeding.
He's pretty friendly, he likes to be held once he gets to know you.
and yeah, he needs a heat lamp, I also have a hot pad which can be placed under his tank for extra heat. All the equipment is included, and his tank is recently cleaned (a couple weeks ago), and they are really clean, I've cleaned his tank once in the last two years, and that had more to do with a bug (that he would not eat, too small) problem in my apartment last year than with the actual cleanliness of his tank.
FuzzBeast04.29.09 - 3:11 pm
and as for difficulty taking care of him, keeping him alive is about as difficult as keeping a plant alive.
FuzzBeast04.29.09 - 3:12 pm
...Well, I've only managed to kill two of the plants in the house in since I started living alone. I'll definitely take him if no one else wants to step up.
danya04.29.09 - 3:23 pm
Hey Fuzz,
email me I'll be more than happy to get him off your hands. My brother loves reptiles, and needs some reptile love.
randyridesbikes atgmaildotcom
feelingrandy04.29.09 - 3:35 pm
From Krista: "Tell Fuzzbeast I'll gladly care for his lizard! Domestic zoo, here I come!"
kryxtanicole04.29.09 - 3:43 pm
My yard is infested with live (fresh) crickets.
rayrayray04.29.09 - 5:34 pm
I love how sarah logs in as me and then precedes my message with "From Krista"....but it's true, I really said that. I have a lizard and two tarantulas now, I feed them regularly...Moji would have a good home here with the rest of the crew...let me know if he still needs a home!
kryxtanicole04.29.09 - 9:43 pm
I think Randy called him first.
Of course you two could fight about it!
(Not Moji, but this is a leopard gecko, in case anyone was wonderin)
FuzzBeast04.29.09 - 9:47 pm
Leopard geckos are much teh awesome, they're some of the chillest lizards there are. I used to live in "reptile house" - chameleons, bearded dragon, leopard geckos, corn snake, tokays, alligator lizard, various frogs, and some more I cannot remember. We used to get a 1000 crickets shipped to the house every week. I always wanted a monitor lizard...and a ball python...and a water dragon....and 10 more tarantulas...If anyone ever needs a foster home for a small (non-aggressive) animal, I'm your gal. I <3 critters.
kryxtanicole04.29.09 - 10:04 pm
I should have given my tarantula to you. Before it died. :'(
imachynna04.29.09 - 10:11 pm
I would have come to your tarantula funeral ride if i knew about it. I had another T that was in a car accident and his box fell off the seat and he lost one of his legs, then he only had seven. He lived for about 6 more months after that.
kryxtanicole04.29.09 - 10:46 pm
It wasn't really a car accident at all - except for what happened to him. What I meant was, he had an accident in the car...oh nevermind.
kryxtanicole04.29.09 - 10:47 pm
Hey, I never got in touch with randy on friday...
krysta, call me.
FuzzBeast05.4.09 - 4:03 pm