seriously fuck all this talk.
AT i am at Beverly Glen/Sunset every M~F 6:30 ~ 6:40 REAL TIME. from 03/09/09 till 4/17/09
i am waiting for you to show up. im done with the publicity stunt bullshit. you want to race me up beverly glen lets do it.
i'm not going to let you penalize me for not being able to make it on your specified date on your specified course, because i can't be there at that day, at that time.
so no more discussion on this topic until this is settled.
You have until APRIL 17th to respond. ANY DAY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY.
don't even tell me you're coming. show up.
YARTHDB!!! (yet another reason to hate Dan B)
DB ate my pet hamster!!!! Fucker!
toweliesbong03.6.09 - 2:47 pm
Can someone who was there other than brad and taylor comfirm who is sting 1 and sting 2???
toweliesbong03.6.09 - 2:51 pm