Thread started by
stevo4 at 03.12.08 - 1:34 am
Thank you for a wicked good time tonight!!! It was a perfect night for a ride with the perfect complement of friends and the perfect amount of riding i was looking for. We have to not see Porn Stars singing Karaoke and not eat Bob's Big Boy Burgers again sometime. Although i feel mildly guilty like i'm cheating on the Cubbies, i'm getting over that quickly.
I look forward to riding with you all again!
Haha, great to have you aboard. I'm long overdue for some Cubcamp action, so I'll have to follow you guys on my way home soon. I'll have to do an ALC training ride as well.
cabhauler03.12.08 - 1:41 am
John, good seeing you tonight.
Here is the link to the Calendar of rides. You could actually show up for just about any that look interesting, but the Shifting Gears/Team 100 rides on Sunday might be a great place to start. (Thats who i ride with). But poke around and you'll see different rides in different parts of town. Most rides are happy for new riders (to the group).
ALC Calendar
stevo403.12.08 - 1:46 am
where were you TWGB????
GOt 2 rooms at marriott, could get third possibly. Great location!! If link doesn't work let me know. I'll emal location. It's the marina marriott very near end of ride.
Limeyfly03.12.08 - 2:12 am
try this
Limeyfly03.12.08 - 2:13 am
Yay Steveo! I'm glad you came. Last night was a very special night because our very-nearly-there-doctor-Emily is on spring break and was able to ride with us, and we had oh so many TWBG ladies riding. AND it was the maiden TWBG voyage of the Borfomobile. AND Jeff didn't fart into his megaphone for the entire night!!!!!
Oh, and I played the medium level on Guitar Hero for THE VERY FIRST TIME.............
Ms. Stephanie03.12.08 - 12:00 pm
I did fart into my megaphone several times.
burped, too.
that'll win over ALL the ladies.
every girl's my girlfriend!
spiraldemon03.12.08 - 12:04 pm
I foresee a TWPG in the near future.... I want in. Email's in the profile. Plz?
danya05.8.09 - 4:53 am
3... 2... 1...
danya05.8.09 - 9:16 am
seriously? was that what you meant with TWPG?
spiraldemon05.8.09 - 9:31 am
Hints are lost on Jeff. Just tell him what it stands for.
PC05.8.09 - 9:42 am
I knew exactly what Sarah meant.
the first rule of tren way polo is: you do not talk about tren way polo
spiraldemon05.8.09 - 9:43 am
I was drinking and smoking out while Dak was making the mallets last night.
spiraldemon05.8.09 - 9:45 am
Tren Way Whiskey Gang!!!
There's a street called Tracy out here that was bastardized and hard liquor goes down easier with I.
bentstrider05.8.09 - 9:49 am
Okay YES. I just wasn't sure if you were being facetious or not. A problem on teh interwebzzz.
danya05.8.09 - 9:53 am
I 8=======D spiraldemon's (_)_).
PC05.8.09 - 9:55 am
I thought we were talking about the carnival fundraiser for the Trinity Way Bible Group!!! We/re not!?
neverclever05.8.09 - 9:58 am
I face PC's 8====D
Fixed your typo
PC05.8.09 - 10:09 am