Michael Steele is a fucking dickbag
Thread started by
monovsstereo at 05.19.09 - 5:46 pm
So the Republican is a total mess right now. Instead of picking a chairman that gets them back to the original fiscal conservative/states' rights platform, he comes out with stupid fucking bullshit like this. Not that I really expected much better from ANY republican, but still. Ok are you ready?
Michael Steele says gay marriage should be illegal because it would put an unfair burden on small businesses that would be forced to pay health insurance for spouses.
Attn Mr. Steele: not only are you retarded, but I want to shit in your hair.
"Michael Steele says gay marriage should be illegal because it would put an unfair burden on small businesses that would be forced to pay health insurance for spouses. "
I ALWAYS said this was the REAL issue of why gay marriage is being blocked... rich republikkkans are so devious hiding behind religion or conservative values to appeal to a constituency that when you break it down, is actually voting against it's own interests...
and it's not small biz that would be affected it's BIG biz. the real republikkkan agenda...
Roadblock05.19.09 - 5:54 pm
Olbermann just laughed. I mean what else can you say to the stupidity of Steele's statement? I guess Steele forgot the 16 billion dollar wedding industry that is almost all small businesses.
I mean this point doesn't even make sense. Is he arguing against straight people getting married, and having children for the same reason? What a fucking stupid ass dickbag. I'm not sure if this is religion concealing a money issue or a (stupid) money issue concealing religious bigotry. I definitely don't believe that the base of the Republicans is really worried about small businesses paying more health insurance coverage. Most of the retards I've talked to about it are pretty firm in that their beliefs stem from the bible. God said, I believe it, that settles it.
monovsstereo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.19.09 - 6:00 pm
I love Michael Steele!
you know he is the one who coined the phase "drill baby drill"!
keep bringing the magic Mr Steele weather intentional or not think of all the damage NOT being done by the rethuglicans as long as they keep up with this absurdity.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.19.09 - 6:03 pm
I really fucking hate him.
and I would like to make out with Ms. Maddow.
monovsstereo responding to a
comment by trickmilla
05.19.09 - 6:11 pm
Michael Steele says gay marriage should be illegal because it would put an unfair burden on small businesses that would be forced to pay health insurance for spouses.
Isn't this the same as saying that he isn't looking at the issue with civil rights in mind, and only $$$... and could you project then, that if it weren't for the money, he wouldn't care? I mean the whole statement is just inherently immoral. Does he really want to talk about "unfair burdens"? Unreal.
canadienne05.19.09 - 6:13 pm
Both parties are in bed with each other, Demoncraps and Repukenuts have strayed so far from their original ideals that it's time to hit the reset button.
bentstrider05.19.09 - 11:57 pm
too bad she's not interested in making out with you
la duderina responding to a
comment by monovsstereo
05.20.09 - 9:45 pm
i mean, you know, cuz she's more interested in making out with people like me.
I hate when I post things, read them later, and realize it comes off mean if people don't know what I'm talking about. So I clarify.
la duderina responding to a
comment by monovsstereo
05.20.09 - 10:02 pm
Ahaha no worries. I was already well aware that she plays for the other team. And is considerably older and wealthier and more famous than me.
I still think someone needs to shit on Steele's bald head.
monovsstereo responding to a
comment by la duderina
05.21.09 - 3:08 am
More evidence that Mr. Steele far surpasses contemptibility and lives comfortably in the land of farcical humor.
trickmilla05.21.09 - 10:21 am
I love it. It's just the fucking dumbest thing I've heard in so long.
Michael Steele, welcome to the group of people I think the world would be better off without. I think you already know Sarah Palin, she can show you around.
monovsstereo responding to a
comment by trickmilla
05.21.09 - 5:30 pm
haha ok good. I was hoping you'd get the joke.
la duderina responding to a
comment by monovsstereo
05.21.09 - 5:39 pm
i think the republican party has hit a dead end, though i may be wrong. now the pundits are saying that the party needs to get back to its roots...but what are its roots?
well, historically speaking it is a coalition of:
libertarian businessmen
anti-immigration racists from the southwest
anti-evolution PTA groups originating in appalachia
"states rights" advocates of all shapes and persuasions
the deep south
add to that a little propaganda about "socialism" and some traditional black and immigrant sterotypes, and you have the modern republican party since Reagan.
if you ask me, it's time to get back to reality.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by monovsstereo
05.26.09 - 10:50 pm
Who even knows. If they want to jettison the religious right and get back to states' rights and small government, that's a least a valid debate to have.
What I can't believe is that people are calling Obama a fascist. When I say that, I'm not referring to the HOPIUM thread which as far as I can tell is pretty anti-government across the board. There are crazy ass right wingers that truly believe Obama is a fascist out to take away their right to hate gays based on the bible, and take away their right to have AK-47s.
I just don't understand. I really and truly cannot understand their positions and hypocrisy on so many issues.
I guess the most blatant and telling example is pretty obvious to everyone at first glance. That all protests against Bush (because he opposed stem cell research, because he started an illegal war, because he pulled all sorts of illegal shit that no one ever properly called him on) were full of traitors, treasonous anti-americans and commies but the protests now against Obama (because he's uhh...not super super Christian?, because he uhh...let Bush's tax cuts expire, because he.. uhh.. wants to close an illegal prison and stop torture [though he wants to continue the detaining on US soil]) they're now PATRIOTS, AMERICAN FUCKING HEROES drives me nuts.
I guess that part of it is just that they're having a fit because their party (the one that doesn't even represent them anyway, which is one of the funniest parts) is losing power by the day. But I still don't understand how they just refuse to examine their positions on anything, and continue to live by this mantra of "do as I say, not as I do."
In short: fuck the right. Fuck the left too, but not as hard.
monovsstereo responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
05.26.09 - 11:07 pm
"not only are you retarded, but I want to shit in your hair."
You win.That's the funniest single sentence ever.
JB05.26.09 - 11:09 pm
The right wing has had to do so many intellectual mind bending pretzel twists to continue to justify essentially racist, sexist, !@#$?phobic, and bigoted positions. It seems like very few of them actually know which way is up any more.
They few people on the right who are actually consistent and have a genuine philosophy are totally marginalized ie. Ron Paul.
I was listening to some of the right-wing arguments about prop 8 today and granted they did not reach the absurdity of Michael Steele but seriously close.
They talk about "protecting traditional marriage" and that marriage is really about "procreating" and that gays have full equality with civil unions anyway.
Their arguments are so fucking flimsy, I honestly wonder how any of these people could get out of high-school, let alone earn the kind of credentials to make them a spokesperson.
JUST BE HONEST RIGHTWINGER - you are against gay marriage because of your interpretation of text that is thousands of years old and you consider to be written and interpreted through divine inspiration. Fine. That's OK. You have a right to be a religious lunatic here. But for Christ's sake, stop pretending there is a legal justification for denying people equality and justice. WWJD? Sock you in the fucking face for being a stupid lying hypocrite. (then forgive you cause that what the big J does best).
trickmilla responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
05.26.09 - 11:33 pm
Bingo trickmilla.
Marriage IS about procreation. That's why old people can't marry. That's why sterile people can't marry. That's why people who simply don't want kids can't marry.
Civil Unions are totally equal to marriage! I mean, what's different between thousands of dollars in legal fees and a 25 dollar marriage license? And every state totally recognizes civil unions. And civil unions totally have all the same rights as marriage. And since they're so totally the same they have different names!
Marriage is a religious institution! Duh! That's why priests and ministers handle divorce proceedings. That's why you can't get married in anything but a church. That's why you have to believe in the bible to get married.
WWJDa? Who Would Jesus Discriminate Against?
monovsstereo responding to a
comment by trickmilla
05.26.09 - 11:45 pm
"Marriage is a religious institution!"
Actually, that's my basis for one of my weirder political beliefs- government sanctioned unions should be called just that, and marriage should be a term reserved for the church. Then the government (theoretically) wouldn't see as much resistance from teh religious right over allowing unions between any two willing adults, and any religious institution can continue performing whatever types of marriages they want. I mean, if you already have to get two marriage licenses, why not recognize the difference between them?
danya responding to a
comment by monovsstereo
05.26.09 - 11:51 pm
Sure. Make all unions "civil unions" in the eyes of the government. It'll never happen though.
First of all, it makes too much sense. And we all know how people and especially the govt are about things that make sense.
Second, religious people will have an enormous shitfit over this, saying that their rights are being trampled, even though they are technically getting their way. Besides, it's not about their supposed ownership of the word "marriage," it's about how their old ass book thinks it's icky.
monovsstereo responding to a
comment by danya
05.26.09 - 11:56 pm
that shit is hilarious!!!
Obama's clowning him on the "in the heezy" is the best part by far. Condi was NEVER as hip as Steele!
biking4obama responding to a
comment by trickmilla
05.27.09 - 1:11 pm
actually, I have to respect Michael Steele for at least partially revealing the true motivation of the republican party for denying gay marriage... it's totally a money/business decision - but it's not so much a small business decision it's a big business decision - as in health care benefits and retirement pay on death benefits and spousal benefits that mostly medium to big businesses are culpable for.
all 3 major religious faiths - christianity(including mormonism), judaism, and islam institutionally oppose gay marriage (with some exceptions) for biblical reasons and supported the prop 8 bill financially - the republikkkans used the religious based bigotry to hype their fundaMENTAList religious "base" and hide the real business reason for this decision which wouldnt be as palpable to voters who care not so much for the interests of big business.
"Isn't this the same as saying that he isn't looking at the issue with civil rights in mind, and only $$$... "
welcome to America! you $ure you want to live here? I'm ready to illegally immigrate to the EU. for cereal.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by trickmilla
05.27.09 - 1:23 pm
I'm still not convinced the $$$ is the actual reason (at least in this case haha). Either way, it's a fucking stupid argument. Fuck you Michael Steele!
monovsstereo responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.27.09 - 6:15 pm
lmfao @ "for cereal".....some of the terms we come up with...lol
BlAcKnYeLLoWfUji05.28.09 - 7:45 pm
"I'm ready to illegally immigrate to the EU."
You and me both, buddy. I'm thinking either the Netherlands or Gibraltar.
SPOOK responding to a
comment by Roadblock
05.28.09 - 10:38 pm