C.S.U. mandates F.U.N. this summer

Thread started by
gac at 06.5.09 - 7:45 pm
My school, cal poly pomona, just cancelled all summer classes for a school wide mandate of F.U.N. this summer.
Any other CSUgoers get the memo? or is it just pomona?
Way to drop the bomb a day before finals.
This has potential to be a completely pointless topic if no one elses school has cancelled their classes...
This shit just keeps getting more fucked up as the weeks go along.
I'm not too serious on my own education at this moment in time, but for all of you who truly value what you're investing time, effort and money in, there's a head that has to be rolled somewhere.
bentstrider06.5.09 - 7:49 pm
dang I'm sorry to hear that. Come to SMC our summer is still on, not fun but on
aksendz responding to a
comment by bentstrider
06.5.09 - 7:50 pm
Classes aren't canceled at my local college either, in fact I've got a 6 week, crash course of College Algebra to re-do.
So, I'm good on this end surprisingly.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by aksendz
06.5.09 - 7:53 pm
They canceled Session B at Pierce and most of the schools in LACC. And yeah, the algebra class I signed up for was Session A so i'm still good. It's going to suck though, even if it only meets twice a week for three hours, the UC's wont look at it- i'm only taking it so that my school will allow me to take Stats. Not fun but hey sun.
Conspirate06.6.09 - 12:27 pm
I hope summer English isn't so bad. I also hope it means no research paper.
Gav06.6.09 - 12:44 pm
sorry Gav, you'll still get one =/
aksendz responding to a
comment by Gav
06.6.09 - 12:46 pm
yeah, i just got word of that today....after i bombed my final. Shit sucks. And people wonder why students are there for 5+ years. blehh.....CPP pisses me off sometimes.
Nygmatic06.6.09 - 1:15 pm
I'm just trying to get an instructor that gives multiple choice exams.
The few times I've passed a college course, I was given these.
Those free-form, fill-in-the-blanks could suck my ass.
bentstrider06.6.09 - 9:36 pm
CSUF is still has their session...in session.
mfinite06.9.09 - 6:28 pm
You're lucky- I couldn't get into any classes for summer or fall, I think because everyone panicked as soon as Session B was cut. I'm hoping to get in by showing up until the teacher's sick of me.
danya responding to a
comment by Conspirate
06.10.09 - 8:26 am
That's usually the way I do it when I absolutely, positively need it and want to get the class out of the way for good.
Sad thing is the fact that education is being cut at a time when many, older workers are sort of being forced to get re-educated in something in order to stay afloat.
Yeah, alot of nurses and engineers are needed, but with continual staff/class cuts, length of education time will increase as well as class-sizes get larger.
I'm only saying this based on my own experience of '06 vs '08-'09.
When I took a history and intermediate algebra course back in '06, there were plenty of classes and smaller class-sizes to go with it.
After deciding to try again in Spring of '08, less classes available and standing room only.
I thought to myself, "Where did all these people come from?"
bentstrider responding to a
comment by danya
06.10.09 - 8:51 am