ATTN:All Ladies
Thread started by
Delirium at 06.3.09 - 3:54 pm
Summer is well on its way, before the heat beats down on our head as we ride thru the streets of LA, I'd like to put together a ride for Locks Of Love.
If you're interested in doing the ride and a free cut
Let Me know..
Don't be afraid, I have beautiful long hair and SNIP SNIP a ft. of length will go.
If I don't get any or too many responses I probably won't put all effort in gathering a ride with you fine bitches
I will contact a pro of the cuts and am contacting Locks Of Love for Locationssss
" with you fine bitches "
Graham06.3.09 - 3:58 pm
Umm.... ladies? *couch*Tyler*cough*
danya06.3.09 - 3:58 pm
I don't have very nice or very long hair but I'm down to shave it for LOL.
imachynna06.3.09 - 3:59 pm
yeah, not a lady, but i have better hair than most. ive been looking to donate it to locks of love, but i cant bring myself to "part" (its a hair joke, get it? wokka wokka!) with it.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by danya
06.3.09 - 4:00 pm
This post should be called ATTN: All Ladies & RBI
canadienne06.3.09 - 4:00 pm
You have the best hair. I'm jealous.
danya responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
06.3.09 - 4:01 pm
oh never mind! by the time it took me to find the photo, you all beat me to it!
canadienne06.3.09 - 4:01 pm
anyone who wants to come, come..
yes, seriously.. YOu FINE BITCHes...
whats up with people talkin shit..
Delirium06.3.09 - 4:01 pm
I don't think anyone is talking shit... RBI has the longest and best hair out of anyone. For serious.
canadienne responding to a
comment by Delirium
06.3.09 - 4:02 pm
oh yes yes yes beautiful curls
just making sure no ones giving a negative attitude towards something I've been planning for over a year now.
I grew my hair out for 14 months, spent a few extra bucks a bottle of shampoo and that conditioner to keep it strong and hydrated.
I think its about time..
Delirium06.3.09 - 4:07 pm
i beat rbi to it, twice. I donated once when i was 17 and again last summer.
do it rbi.
cassidy06.3.09 - 4:21 pm
this might be a stupid question, but can we donate dyed hair?
imachynna06.3.09 - 4:25 pm
ah, yeah, I didn't think so either. oh well I'll shave my head anyway.
imachynna06.3.09 - 4:56 pm
Can I donate Brassknuckle's facial hair or pupes? Although, that might jeopardize his status within the bear community.
SPOOK06.3.09 - 5:09 pm