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I was thinking, Chyna...I need to stop eating at the indian food restaurant for lunch every work day. The way I see it, I could buy the bike I have always wanted to buy in one year and four months, just by eating food from home.
tern responding to a comment by imachynna
06.8.09 - 3:17 pm
good idea...I'm not to sure if it would be top notch Indian food after heating it up in the microwave...but it might be better than my usual food, when I bring it to work:
lettuce or spinach
tofu or tahini dressing
...usually I put it all together into a sandwich. I was really fastidious about doing this type of lunch for a while, but I got lazy...and I love Indian food. So, maybe I can find a way to do bulk cooking at some point during the week (I work seven days a week..haha) and then I could bring it to work.
Good idea...I'll try it
but this thing is about chyna and her underwear, I guess.....I can't think of anything to say on this subject., except: "HI, Chyna."
well, sometimes I think I work too much to enjoy it here...but really, I'm not at work on my favorite parts of the day....I live in a beautiful place, and a very strange place, culturally. Almost everyone is a transplant, or a son or daughter of a transplant. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut are heavily represented here...but there are people from all over the place.
How are you, Chynna? How's it going in Los Angeles?