socialized healthcare
Thread started by
tortuga_veloce at 06.1.09 - 5:00 am
i was doing some research and stumbled across these "farm forum" radio broadcasts from canada from the 60's, around the time that the canadian government was talking about creating the system they have today.
i have to admit, excepting the arguments regarding fairness, it sounds a lot like the kinds of conversations we're having today in this country!
sorry, i couldnt embed the videos
(hey does tommy douglas kind of sound like george takei?)
Some people are always worried about these things due to the tax imposed.
If we truly want it and see it as a good for the entire country, perhaps the tax that will fund should just be kept under wraps.
I mean, is any Joe-Sixpack going to really notice a 1/2 cent tax tacked onto groceries and such bought at the Super Walmart?
Yes, I shop there, shoot me.
bentstrider06.1.09 - 9:55 am
this is why the MR forum need SECTIONS so we dont have to read shitty posts like these
kkk06.2.09 - 1:23 pm
signed up 6/2/09?
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
gregb responding to a
comment by kkk
06.2.09 - 1:32 pm
WTF happened to the Ass Pimples thread?
Joe Borfo06.2.09 - 1:38 pm
Bentstrider, you seriously think a 1/2 cent tax will pay for health care???
Do the math. Let's say you spend $1000/month on taxable goods (which is generous). That only generates $5. You really think $5/month will pay for anything remotely like decent health care???
And suggesting that we "bury the cost" is a horrible idea. If the argument against private insurance is that it's too expensive for people to afford, what do you think will happen if people don't know how much it costs?? Think about the $500 wrenches the military got caught buying a decade ago. Has the government EVER been known to get the best price in the most efficient manner?
Your assumption that "Joe-Sixpack" can't be trusted to make decisions for himself is the definition of elitist, which someone who can't do math doesn't have the right to be.
Steeve06.5.09 - 9:21 pm
A lot, in fact, most of the time, he doesn't even make decisions for himself. He may pick between two candidates once every four years, good for him. It's not elitist at all to say that most people do not understand what they talk about. Yes, this applies to me too.
Conspirate responding to a
comment by Steeve
06.5.09 - 9:38 pm
Don't even start on the math bullshit, buddy.
I posted this as a thought of the top of my head.
But, since you want to play armchair intellectual and grill me for the numbers I came up with, then something must be wrong with you for wanting to debate this issue with a simple person.
Take your Greek salad numbers and face off against a real mathematician, Dr. Thompson.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Steeve
06.5.09 - 9:40 pm
I'm pretty sure Joe-Sixpack CANNOT be trusted to make decisions for himself.
Though I'm not sure I want to take away the choice haha.
I still think socialized healthcare is a good idea and at this point is only a matter of when, not if.
monovsstereo06.5.09 - 10:10 pm
Well, I'll care less whether it's implemented or not.
The way things are going, many want it and things have their own way of sorting shit out.
Not to mention any complaint I raise about it will be drowned out by the approval coming from the vocal majority.
As for myself blowing up at Steeve, he decided to pull the "book-smarts inferiority" test on me so I fired back.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by monovsstereo
06.5.09 - 10:16 pm