pasadena/alhambra/burbank rides???
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itsdefnit at 06.14.09 - 12:39 pm
just curious, alot of the rides seem to meet in north hollywood, or downtown L.A. are there any rides that meet up in pasadena? or burbank? even alhambra? are these just not fun places to ride or is it just that no one has started a ride in these areas?
Nocturnal Cyclists are riding down to alhambra tonight
tekmo06.14.09 - 1:07 pm
I remember Sins and Sprockets once rode down to Alhambra. I liked it a lot. We should ride there more. Pasadena is fun to ride. I hear the cops in Burbank are dicks.
funanu06.14.09 - 1:10 pm
imachynna06.14.09 - 1:18 pm
we should ride to cuculandia!
funanu06.14.09 - 1:25 pm
I think pretty much has the pasadena area for rides, they're about due to host another one soon. Although not the party type rides, they're fun to ride.
noho's close to the redline station and burbank seems to have a bad rep regarding bikes.
Hosting a ride takes a certain amount of dedication and planning, kind of like hosting a get together at your house, not everyone's into it.
Alhambra? Well, I was raised in the San Fernando valley, and although Alhambra is a cool name for a place, and is someplace I've heard of many times, I'm sorry to say that I'd have to google map it to see where it is in LA, somewhere around west covina, maybe sw of it?
dave06.14.09 - 2:03 pm
There are not very many rides out here (I live in Alhambra)
I find myself riding to echo park/LA area a lot to go to rides.
If I can get enough people to show interest (and my health abides), I want to start a ride called "Hill Climberzz" near Alhambra/Pasadena/San Marino areas. Ride up big hills, then bomb down them to tasty asian food and booze in Alhambra. I know a few really challenging routes that will be fun. 50+mph downhills, if you dare. I doubt people will show up, haha.
TheDude06.14.09 - 2:40 pm
The thing I liked about these rides when I started was that I could ride thru parts of town that I probably wouldn't otherwise have visited on my own. That part of the ride magic seems to have dissipated along the way. Ride-Arc began to seem to bring that back, but after attending their rides in the Valley, I got, uh, disenchanted, with their interpretations of the surroundings.
LA is big enough, with a sorta adequate enough public transit system for the long hauls, that maybe a series of rides exploring/highlighting different parts of LA could be put together. I'll have to think about that one.
I see where Alhambra is. LA is a big place. And I've been here since I was about 4 yrs old.
dave06.14.09 - 2:46 pm
we should totally ride to cuculandia!
itsdefnit06.15.09 - 6:56 am
There are more and more rides coming out of the San Gabriel Valley. The Midnight Social, 5fix2, Eastside Bike Club, Woodsmen...are just some of them. Watch the Calendar, you might be surprised..
There's always room for more.
alicestrong06.15.09 - 7:05 am
Oh, Critical Mass Pasadena, The Dumpster Ride can't forget....
alicestrong06.15.09 - 7:09 am
626 racoons on sun nights
midnight social on tues nights
woodsmen wednesday nights
+ more mentioned above
@ thedude, hill climbaz sounds like fun, and its local to me which is appealing. im down, dunno about 50mph hills though haha
sshagy06.15.09 - 12:21 pm
check there are alot of rides posted there that are in those area's although they are faster paced rides
jbachez06.15.09 - 4:03 pm