NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
looks like we will be stopping in san fran on the way BACK not on the way there. still figuring it out though. contact marcus if you can about exactly when since he's the driver.
gabby/ larsens friend
mike bennett
sarah danya
louise, knowing them, they're going to take forever. i have to be back by the 22nd, so if they dont leave portland until the 21 or 20, i can't go to sf. :(
Gabby i cant be bummed about an art show THAT I HAVE WORK IN that i'm missing? i'm bummed i cant do both events. especially because i spent over 300 dollars on supplies for the posters i'm in the process of dedicating 4 solid days to for solsticycle.
Last trip I remember, everyone was at least 21 and some, way over.
Not to mention the fact that alot of people I only saw once were on that trip.
Some tall dude named Goldenticket, the dashing antics of Samhain, this mystery guy who tootled around with us in the rain before my crank arm took a shit on the Burnside Bridge.
bentstrider responding to a comment by Frozen Fingersss
06.8.09 - 2:14 pm
This time around, it's fresh infantry being directed by keynote advisers to the hotzone
This time around, it's fresh infantry being directed by keynote advisers to the hotzone
This time around, it's fresh infantry being directed by keynote advisers to the hotzone
This time around, it's fresh infantry being directed by keynote advisers to the hotzone
this is perhaps the most enjoyable thing ive ever read on this entire website.
gabby/ larsens friend
mike bennett
sarah danya
Another comparison of the historical vs. current is exactly that.
New list is almost entirely, Coastal Defense operatives, while the historical list was a multi-jurisdictional, strike team sent to infiltrate the Cascadian Badlands.
kelly peach here. i TOO am driving from cali up to portland on fucking friday! i am leaving from santa cruz butt crack early (think 5:30am probably). i was wondering if any of you would want to jump ship and ride up with me because i don't have anyone in my car. how far on the drive do you think you'll be by then? let me know. also, if you want to crash on thursday nite my house may be a good option (although santa cruz is a bit out of the way...)
ps. my email is peachykeenjellybean mailhaven (d0t) com
woo hoo! i miss you crazy people and can't wait to ride bikes naked with all your hot asses!
HEY NORTHERN. if you still wanted to go maybe you could get a ride with kelly?
you might be able to hop in the van in an open seat since a few people paid full but are only coming back in the van, and then maybe we could meet kelly in san fran and you could switch into her car? i assume she wouldnt charge you anything since she's going anyway and wants company!
i think im most stoked about being with franz the whole time. touching him, smelling him, speaking with him. just waking up in a room next to him in the morning and rolling over and looking at his face and smiling and being able to say "hey franz, wake up, lets go drink, come on" and then, even though he doesnt get up, he groans, and for that second i know...i know everything will be ok.
oh and me and syoma achieving interdimensional realness should be a pretty awesome as well.
More, historical lists from the Cascadian Incursion.
LA ridazz just took off heading south. They should be back in about 15 hours. I'm still chilin up here with the wonderful Kelly Peach (one of our gracious hosts at the Kitten Shak) so we have been given the task of updating you all on the trip.
This has been one of the most amazing weekends. The portland bikers were so great to us. A big thanks to them from all of us LA people. Warchild made us a killer printed itinerary with addresses and phone numbers of peoples houses we could crash at (including his) and a list of everything that was going on for the weekend. He also hosted a bbq for us after tour de fat which included mini bike jousting. The Kitten Shak threw a party on Friday night where skidmarcus cut everyone's hair. The Kitten Shak was also one of the places that offered us a place to stay. The gave us their basement to crash in. I think we topped out at about 12 people sleeping down there (with skidmarcus sleeping on the ironing board). After the party on friday night we rolled out with Warchild to the dropout ride which took us to party at a golf course and then ended at pirate island for a bonfire. Saturday we headed to tour de fat, a big party on the waterfront. Fat Tire sponsered it, so there was plenty of beer and food, and bands playing. A few of the Sprockettes live at the Kitten Shak so we hung out to see their performance at tour de fat. After tour de fat was Warchild's bbq, then a block party with bands playing, a ride around the city, free midnight pizza for everyone at the park courtesy of Kelly Peach and then a house party. Sunday morning Kelly Peach took Rev Phil, onethirtynine, KataCyklsLA2NY, and myself for 8am Waffle Tacos (an amazing breakfast where they use a waffle as the taco shell and fill it with meat, cheese and syrup). Somehow she was able to convince us all to get up for it even though we only had a couple hours of sleep. After that we we headed to Shawn's (revphil's lady) house for champagne brunch. Post brunch, Warchild took us on an amazing ride to a nature preserve and then swimming in the river (reports of giardia possibly coming later). We got back from that and then headed up to zoobomb. I'm sure there is plenty i'm forgetting, but my brain is fried at the moment, so i'll let the rest of the crew fill you in when they get back.
Now on to the fun stuff....the injury list.
Injury List:
1. Kyber - Zombie Foot (crash immediately after picking up our bikes, resulting in a really gnarly foot. Thank god for whiskey).
2. Kel - busted knee (while wrestling with Franz)
3. Spiraldemon - too many crashes to list. That dude is cut up all over
4. Brassknuckle - Dislocated shoulder
5. onethirtynine - 10 stitches in chin and a jaw fractured in 2 places (done while riding TO ZOOBOMB.) Liquid diet for the next 6 weeks.
6. Skidmarcus - crash on zoobomb. roadrash on face. also lost control around a turn on Saturday night's rain ride and tore up his leg.
7. Goldenticket - decided to avoid zoobomb and the possibility of an injury, and managed to crash in the NE flats and ended up in the hospital getting stitches and a cat scan.
8. Samhain - hurt his shoulder riding Hell Way at Zoobomb
9. Tern - Road rash on face from crashing on Salmon during Zoobomb
10. Michelle (not an LA girl, but someone we hung out with all weekend) - Worst injury of zoobomb. Went down at the speed hole. Broke her jaw in 2 places, dislocated her jaw, is undergoing surgery at the moment.
There were also plenty of crashes that didn't involve injuries.
Okay i'm gonna head out and explore the city. I'll see you all in a couple of weeks.
Michele, in the injuries list, was spook's Portland girlfriend....also, don't forget that brassknuckle fell on a six pack of glass bottle beer, while riding it to where he was staying, after all of the rest of us left. Man, the picture of that is really gross. He had his arm tied off with a bike tube, to stop the bleeding.
I think, actually, there were more injuries listed, after everything was said and done.
I think Rev. Phil posted the most complete list on zoobomb....
Careful now, we don't want to disenhearten and scare the young troops into thinking we're sending them on some
Mission of great degree to see how well the Cascadian Society has done without Californian-influx.
hey andres, i would give you a call but julia has my phone. im trying to get it back tonight.
my home phone blows so its really hard to hear the person so ill use that as a last resort. don't worry i will contact you sometime tonight.
Guize, can we commandeer the van Sunday afternoon for a skinny dipping trip to the beach? Gabby wants us to crash her family reunion (preferably drunk and naked, so all her relatives can see how beautiful and uninhibited her friends are) and then go back to Portland with us (by 9pm in time for Zoobomb). She's organizing this thing so it's the least we can do. Also she promised to marry Syoma and I at Voodoo Donuts if we do this.
vladster responding to a comment by bentstrider
06.9.09 - 8:49 pm
its roughly 60 miles from portland according to larsen.
i could leave there around 6. this would make me really happy but if it cant happen i understand. i was thinking of taking public transport to portland anyway ( i would ride it but i will have my luggage).
It's 60-70 miles to they coast I don know what beach you'll be at. Also there are nude beaches IN Portland riding distance. They are next to the organic farms where you can go a pick the fruit yourself
yeah, I agree, I'm kinda worried about you. we were all joking having a good time, but man you crossed the line.
what happened to you? you used to be cool. you've changed, man.