Like a resurrected unstoppable freight train of awesomeness - Santa Monica Critical Mass!!!
supersano06.5.09 - 11:37 pm
4th transgression should've been a mosh-pit!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by supersano
06.5.09 - 11:44 pm
This was amazing.
sma06.6.09 - 9:58 am
Yea I've never seen anything like that before. That was pure awesome. Too bad the bacon had to break it up.
RickDarge06.6.09 - 1:04 pm
Abbot Kinney and California, perfect timing what with the civilians already walking around with cups of wine - a latent dance party just waiting to take hold.
supersano responding to a
comment by northernsoulbyrd
06.7.09 - 2:06 pm
I heard about this. WTF?! C.R.A.N.K. MOB - WHAT?!
onemorefixie06.7.09 - 2:43 pm
I am so glad I helped play a part in how this began! It was absolutely incredible to get everyone, not even bikers in the street! And the constables helped by dragging attention to us. AMAZING!
bwillowz06.7.09 - 5:00 pm
I still say we start a mosh pit next time.
Complete with speaker climbing and stage-diving.
bentstrider06.7.09 - 8:35 pm
Thank you Steven Ma for making the incredible experience possible! Your karaoke system made Venice party history!
Mooncake responding to a
comment by bentstrider
06.8.09 - 1:43 pm