Thread started by
Limeyfly at 06.4.09 - 12:10 am
If riders want mutual respect from other vehicular road users and the police, then they must earn it! I'm not talking about individuals, we all have had individual experience of being harassed by cars, I'm talking about large groups rides.
Too many riders treat the road as a playground, particularly on large group rides. When we all learn to properly share the road, on a constant basis, we'll get more respect. It won't always work but it will go a long way to change the attitude of many. PLUS you may even convince some to come out and join in.
This is not to say that police officers understand the CVC with regard to bicycles, they've shown they often don't.
preaching to the choir harry =/
most of us on the boards share this opinion.
the kids who ride just to be cool are still on myspace
aksendz06.4.09 - 12:37 am
yeah... i like to have a small conversation with motorists when i cork an intersection. =] i tell them why we're riding, and afterwards i thank 'em lots for waiting oh so patiently! i know a lot of people think it's not helpful to cork but i do it anyways, just to make sure and most of all, to change the attitude of drivers about cyclists.
Ace06.4.09 - 1:02 am
haha fa sho Ace.
One time I held traffic for a good five minutes on through the looking glass ride
we were so spread out, i was surprised I didn't get run over
it helps if you do a little dance, have some fun. do the heart thing with your hands :D
aksendz responding to a
comment by Ace
06.4.09 - 1:15 am
anton my man... it's me alexar. i like to wave and if i have a fellow rider or 2 i pull up to the drivers side and chat with em for a bit =P send me your number so we can go meet up to ride brother!
Ace responding to a
comment by aksendz
06.4.09 - 1:19 am
shut up hipster :D
i'll facebook you my number
aksendz responding to a
comment by Ace
06.4.09 - 1:27 am
hahaha, i'll show you a hipster!
Ace responding to a
comment by aksendz
06.4.09 - 1:42 am
I'm going to invest in a bullwhip.
Any one tries riding over in the on-coming lane, or taking up too many lanes in general will get a lashing.
bentstrider06.4.09 - 7:29 am
thanks for corking! Don't get a ticket though if you can help it!
Also it's good that you explain to drivers why and what you are doing. Educate other corkers/riders that you are not trying to harass drivers...
Limeyfly responding to a
comment by Ace
06.4.09 - 6:10 pm
I think this is worth repeating, as a reminder that a LOT of folks on these rides exercise "entitlement" to the road in the same way that motorists do.
Be NICE, share the fucking road.
the reverend dak06.4.09 - 6:29 pm
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TIMESARECHANGING08.19.09 - 3:02 pm