NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Thread started by Wonderdave at 06.3.09 - 11:33 pm
Hey, the foolish people of Ridazz Camp are having a Burning Man Awareness Night get together for anyone considering joining us on the trip this year. The gathering is Monday June 8th at 7:30. We'll be showing a few Burning Man short films, pictures from last year's trip and answering any questions you might have about making the trip out to Black Rock City.
It's a BYOE(verything) event. If you're interested in coming, send an email for the address of the gathering to:
If you want to know what Burning Man is, check out:
do any of you burners know jessica mims (aka widowmaker)? she is flying into LAX
on monday to go to your meeting. she needs somebody to pick her up and idealy it would be somebody going to the meeting. she posted this request on facebook and hopes someone can hook her up.message he on facebook if you can help her out.
Here's hoping we get the same location as last year. We were...
2 blocks away from the Pancake Playhouse (free pancakes every morning)
Across the street from the naked slip 'n' slide
Across the street from the free morning coffee stand
Across the way from the Deep End (one of the best dance clubs on the planet)
Yeah, I'm really excited about this meeting. I was talking to a ridazz about Burning man yesterday and he was kinda amazed when he heard what goes on there. I think most people have the wrong idea about it. That's why coming to this BBQ would be a cool thing.
I don't think ridazz understand how much the hijinx and hilarity of Midnight Ridazz is like Burning Man. There are a lot of stereotypes and misconceptions. Come tonight, we're going to show a bunch of documentary shorts I found online to give people a better idea of what Burning Man involves - especially the art, and two of my favorites camps (one of which is currently set up in the old not a cornfield, downtown).
Here is a Postcard from Burning Man that didn't make the cut for tonight:
It's TONIGHT ladies, gentleman, hippies, ravers and Ridazz...
Please come, films start when the sun goes down. Bring something to sit on, we're sitting in the grass. Wear something warm, it's not very warm these evening. Bring something to eat, drink and be merry.
Hope you guys can make it. I've had a good amount of people email me for the address. It's going to be a fun night whether you decide to take on the man or not....
You guyz missed out. It was fun, swapping stories with the vets, and meeting the new folks that will be living with for 10 days in the middle of nowhere. Now full throttle on the planning.