
Thread started by
ideasculptor at 10.13.08 - 12:17 pm
I'm now a victim of the economic meltdown.
oh noes, sam!!! you can come over and eat ramen at my place until you get another job. bring the puppies. :)
yo delicious10.13.08 - 12:20 pm
Sorry to hear that Sam. I'm a little worried here at my job as well. THIS ECONOMIC CRISIS SUCKS!!!!!!!
DeKadenzy10.13.08 - 12:20 pm
you've been a victim since the day you were born
spiraldemon10.13.08 - 12:21 pm
I seem to be only getting 3-4 runs a day, four days a week.
Some of the other drivers are bitching and complaining that the slow-down is bankrupting them.
But, then again, I'm not the one who bought a $40,000 dollar pickup before times went to shit.
I get by healthfully on relatively small, amounts.
And I seem to be in better shape due to having all my endorsements except for the passenger one.
As for you, ideasculptor, that shit sucks to the 10th degree, but hopefully someone, somewhere still needs the expertise you are well-versed in.
The way I see it, there's always going to be an afterward.
bentstrider10.13.08 - 12:24 pm
(but more importantly)
Man, that does suck though. Times are hard... my company's been letting go some $$$ employees too...
canadienne10.13.08 - 12:32 pm
but thats only so they could give you the raise that you deserve.
ruinedbyidiots10.13.08 - 12:32 pm
me too.. since thursday.
bondink10.13.08 - 12:36 pm
Alright you two... you already live together. Quit hijacking his the thread.
I'm really sorry to hear that Sam.
Maybe we could set up the MR Temp agency. Hell, between all the people here who are at some point unemployed, we could probably fill almost any position.
Drew10.13.08 - 12:40 pm
You keep denying it, but that's so, Roland Orzabal in that pic.
bentstrider10.13.08 - 12:53 pm
i deny it because i can only think of him with his hair short and combed in some sort of pompadour. obviously google images agrees with you, but i digress. SHUT THE FUCK UP, ALL OF YOU.
ruinedbyidiots10.13.08 - 1:27 pm
dude, me too. The company I work for has been struggling for months and has finally caved. I'm fucked... for now at least. I'm on the lookout for the next gig.
Undercover Bob10.13.08 - 5:11 pm
Shit soon we'll all be unemployed hippies riding bikes around town.
Maybe its time to do another unemployed ride. everytime we do one everyone seems to get jobs.
skd10.13.08 - 5:48 pm
hey annie i thought u got a job?
funanu10.13.08 - 6:26 pm
Well I offered but my landlord politely declined to accept it as a form of payment for rent. Also I don't think all the people making the posts here are equipped with the necessary hardware, although I hear a veganbananapenis can go a long way (pun fully intended).
Have fun mooching off mom, gabby. 0_o
vladster10.13.08 - 6:30 pm
This is weird. I just had a conversation with my friend yesterday about this scenario.
It seems there are so many people in so many different fields in our group, that it seems as though you should be able to post what you do, and those who could help would keep an eye out for you.
Sh*t, in my first ride with the Bicykillers, I found two other video editors.
Whatcha lookin' for?
pretzels10.13.08 - 7:18 pm
That's true, but masturbation doesn't pay the bills.
ideasculptor10.13.08 - 8:03 pm
That sucks, man. Just sent you an email, I know a place that might be looking for a bloke like you.
ephemerae10.13.08 - 8:10 pm
southern california orthopedic institute (on vanowen and noble, just before sepulveda) is looking for an experienced accountant. here are the details:
There is a full-time opportunity in our Accounting Department for a Full charge bookkeeper. Successful candidates must possess the following competencies/knowledge
Ability to perform posting of cash receipts and cash disbursements to general ledgers as directed
Ability to balance cash to bank
Ability to balance accounts payable and accounts receivable detail to the general ledger
Ability to perform monthly reconciliations of sub-ledger balances to the general ledger
Ability to act in a manner that is indicative of team spirit and cooperation
Must report to work as scheduled each day
Must be able to abide by the policies/procedures of SCOI
Other specific duties include:
Batch mailed-in cash receipts per billing’s specifications
Prep bank deposit by batch, make copies and/or scan and forward batches to billing for posting
Reconcile batches posted by billing back to batch deposits
Compile the daily cash sheet and balance receipts to bank daily
GL entries indlucing:
Payroll taxes
401k matches
Recurring AJE’s
Billings, Collections
Miscellaneous GL entries
Bank reconciliations
Must be knowledgeable in Excel and possess computer literacy.
If you meet the requisite skills, please submit a resume to me by Wednesday of next week. Referrals are welcome.
Good luck!
let me know and ill see what i can do.
Jazzy Phat Nastee10.13.08 - 9:42 pm
I was on the bus back from Discordian, and looked at those news-screens.
There was a brief story in regards to military recruiters getting ready for an influx of new recruits due to low, civilian jobs being available.
I don't speak out against military recruitment, but I started getting some crazy, idea in my head that the economic slow-down is a conspiracy aimed at getting more boots on the ground.
I've often felt like going into the ArNG or Coast Guard, but only if civilian LE opportunities get sour due to choosy pshrinks on the psych exams.
Until then, I'll seek out different companies to get away from the one I'm with right now.
And if you're thinking of quitting in any economic environment, make damned sure you've got the job before you quit your former.
bentstrider10.13.08 - 11:00 pm
Heh, I've been unemployed most of this year, I am now broke to the point of having like 5 bucks in my wallet, and that's pretty much it. I have no clue how I'm going to pay my rent next month, never mind the money those student loan people want (which, even IF I had a job, I doubt I could come up with as much as they want). The funny thing is, I seem to care a LOT less than I should.
However, eating would be nice.
FuzzBeast10.13.08 - 11:50 pm
Sperm Bank Ride...
If we make it a group ride, the loss of prestige is not as noticeable.
Lizzard10.14.08 - 8:01 am
theres no way any midnight rida could pass the extensive background check / drug screening to become a sperm donor.
youre either having sex with too many random bikers, or youre jerking off too much, or youre mainlining joose.
ruinedbyidiots10.14.08 - 8:18 am
I got the boot also, lookin for work in the non profit sector.
dannyzuko10.14.08 - 8:53 am
they cut our hours at work because business is slow. which fuckin sucks ass cuz i need the money!!!
funanu10.14.08 - 9:20 am
Sperm Bank Ride...
If we make it a group ride, the loss of prestige is not as noticeable."
I'm jobless too...
Roadblock10.14.08 - 10:16 am
Yeah i keep seeing posts on craigslist for females to donate ova... (which I'm sure is a hell of a lot more complicated than wanking into a cup.) Luckily I'm alright for cash...
canadienne10.14.08 - 10:24 am
I think you just need to squat and push....
Roadblock10.14.08 - 10:45 am
How the fuck do you guys survive? Living at your folks house? I just don't get it.....money saved?
barleye10.14.08 - 10:49 am

This website is really just a front.
Roadblock be pimpin' and hoin'
Joe Borfo10.14.08 - 10:53 am
u should try bankruptcy firms...
they need ppl ASAP
grrrlxb10.14.08 - 12:38 pm
"The funny thing is, I seem to care a LOT less than I should. "
Frozen Fingersss10.14.08 - 1:07 pm
ya well me too, I got laid off two weeks ago. I'm unemployed till january, when my company starts to pick up again after the holidays. That is hoping new contracts propossed on a couple of city ballets pass. With the economy being so shitty at the moment I keep my fingers crossed that we do get these two new contracts. Luckily i have been saving $ and EDD is forking over $450 a week.
skano10.14.08 - 1:37 pm
student loans????
no excuses for that shit because you can defer that for a lifetime.
so, that means you've got an extra $300 a month lying around right?
wait? how do you afford the green smoky smoke stuff?
i call b.s.
meandmybluebike10.14.08 - 1:58 pm
i hate studen loans. my sis said she got hers deferred until she was 28 and i tried so hard and got denied. stupid sallie mae.
tomato10.14.08 - 2:00 pm
300 a month? hah try more like 2400 a month, and that's not even for all of em....
and green stuff, who says i bought that, or at least bough it when I had money.
FuzzBeast10.14.08 - 6:59 pm
Student loans, another reason why I don't think anyone should go to school until they know they could afford without any, or very little, outside assistance.
My stepdad busted his ass in the Indiana steel-mills to pay for his teaching degree in the late, 70's.
Worked 16 hour shifts on the weekends and all the time during break-periods.
Of course steel-mill jobs are rare these days, there's probably other ways to work and pay for school at the same time.
The way I see it, there are still too many people adhering to the traditional life path of: high-school--->college--->career--->marriage--->kids---->retirement.
While I stray towards:
high-school--->skilled/semi-skilled/no/low-college required work---->semi-retirement----->little, more work----work/college-level school---->dream career---->retirement/kids.
The way I'm doodling around, I probably won't even get a degree until 35-40, then no kids until maybe, 60?
bentstrider10.14.08 - 7:31 pm
Whoa, Fuzzbeast, 2400 is steep. Have you talked to the lender to see if you can get that reduced? I got Sallie Mae to reduce my payments from $700 down to $300, which means that I pay more in the long run, of course, but at least I don't starve in the meantime. Not that 300 would be any more doable than 2400 if you're not making money, but still...
nathansnider10.14.08 - 8:47 pm
I'm waiting for the last couple to come due (for some reason they all come due at different points after I graduate) and I'm going to consolidate, and figure out how low of a payment I can do.
FuzzBeast10.14.08 - 9:12 pm
I make your face money.
Jaz10.14.08 - 9:27 pm
i ride bikes and i need a job.
larsenf10.14.08 - 9:52 pm
Looks like I'm the latest member of the unemployed brigade. I need a job asap.
Jazzy Phat Nastee responding to a
comment by larsenf
06.19.09 - 2:13 pm
There's a job for you in Borfo's pants.
steph responding to a
comment by Jazzy Phat Nastee
06.19.09 - 2:15 pm
That sucks ... Im lucky my boss called us an and said they are not going to fire but hire more people....
OsnapsonJC06.19.09 - 3:10 pm