all was quiet on the western front

Thread started by
KiMS1 at 07.2.09 - 12:19 pm
because it's lunch time
I just farted.
(Presumably because of the lunch I just had.)
HappyLand07.2.09 - 12:23 pm
whatd u have for lunch?
the engineer dudes at my work put on a bbq with ribs, corn, baked beans and potato salad.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by HappyLand
07.2.09 - 12:28 pm
Damn, that's a lunch.
I just had crappy microwaved Trader Joe's fried rice. I also went home and switched bicycles. Just because I can.
Then I fart in your general direction!
HappyLand responding to a
comment by KiMS1
07.2.09 - 1:10 pm
ehh, its not really a lunch, more like a dinner. too much food. food coma
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by HappyLand
07.2.09 - 1:19 pm
Engineers actually eat REAL food?
I always thought the math-types became high and mighty and ordered exotic specialties us mortals have never heard of.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by KiMS1
07.2.09 - 1:21 pm
idk, i always thought the math and science types are the most normal of all people.
i always felt that people who work with the arts and media were always kooky.
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
07.2.09 - 1:23 pm
I've been struggling with the math-portion for the last 10 years, I always thought people that didn't require notes were some kind of genetically altered person.
But at least I know how to balance my checkbook!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by KiMS1
07.2.09 - 1:25 pm
what do u mean, dont require notes?
like for classes?
i takes tons and tons of notes.
formula's if u will
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by bentstrider
07.2.09 - 1:28 pm
Yeah, that.
Last math class I actually passed was back in '06 before I took on that truck job.
After losing that and relenting, I've tried venturing back into it and forgotten a whole bunch of shit.
And I've yet to find an instructor that utilizes multiple choice, work the given answers backward and whatnot.
I'm one of those few Asians that are actually shit at numbers, but my cousins are all good at it.
I'm better at taking apart old, Chevy engines and installing rebuild kits
bentstrider responding to a
comment by KiMS1
07.2.09 - 1:34 pm