Lighting Solution

Thread started by
kaslik at 06.30.09 - 7:13 am
My issue: I recently moved to Lagos, Nigeria. Everything is imported, so I don't have access to all the stores that I would in LA.
As such, photo equipment doesn't exist, or its just sooo over priced. So I moved into my new apt, and the way its furnished, I can totally terraform it in no time to be a studio.
I wanted to know if some of you could help out with your past experiences. What I could get to mimic the lighting power of strobes? What I could do to get proper lighting.
I has tripod, I have mountable flash, I has canon 50d
Thank you!
your single flash should be fine, but it would really really help if it has a manual control on it. Since your inside you don't need to to to get a few stops above ambient outdoor sunlight anyways.
In fact if it's sunny outside and you have windows, just open the curtains and use reflectors/ white pieces of poster-board to control your light on the subject. no flash needed.
Mook responding to a
comment by sc_nomad
06.30.09 - 9:57 am