Mountain bike night ride

Thread started by
0gravity at 06.2.09 - 11:28 am

I'm posting this here instead of making an official ride post. I can't have hoards of newbies showing up (no offense against lovable hoards of newbies).
Mountain bike night ride - Wednesdays
I have to stress this first: DO NOT show up for this ride if you are a beginner and/or really slow and/or don’t have a decent night riding light. We’re a chill crew, but this is a solidly intermediate skill ride, not an intro to mountain biking at night.
Break up your week and add more mileage by riding the Santa Monicas on Wednesday nights at 8:00 pm in West Los Angeles. A small group of regulars meets in the parking lot of Cynergy Cycles on 25th and Santa Monica Blvd. around 7:45 PM, rolling out on the hour. The ride is always on, unless it’s a special holiday week, etc. We sometimes ride from the shop, but we often drive up to the handful of trailheads nearby. Rides are almost exclusively in the nearby Santa Monicas but sometimes elsewhere (like a rare Chesboro jaunt). Most are usually decided on the spot at 8:00 and involve 1.5 to 2.5 hour variations of the nearby Sullivan Canyon, Sullivan Ridge, Westridge, Farmers/Cliffside, Hectic/Cookies, Will Rogers/Backbone, and sometimes into the Malibu trails. Ride is cross-country, quick pace, plenty of technical sections, and there’s regrouping and short breaks as needed. Come check out the pace, the crew, the ride, for yourself.
Again…NO BEGINNERS please. Just bring a decently maintained mountain bike, tire-changing kit and a good riding light/s. THAT IS A MUST. Don’t show up with a camping head-lamp and/or a low-end street riding light.
And optional….we usually have a beer or two at a dive-bar near the Santa Monica meeting spot after the ride. All are welcome for that too. Feel free to email me questions at jbroehl ^t yahoo dot calm