Bike Thief thwarted?!

Thread started by
dusky at 10.1.09 - 12:00 am
So today I'm leaving the Santa Monica Farmer's market, when I see a policeman examining the cable lock on a nice looking Trek bike and tugging at it lightly. When he sees me looking curiously, he asked if it was my bike. I reply no, is something wrong ? To which he shakes his head and makes a small joke about how my bf and our helmets match the bike, and comments on the nice grocery panniers attached to it. As we continue on our way, I notice two other cops standing by some stairs in front of a guy sitting on them. All three stay in the vicinity of the bike and seem to be waiting for the owner to come back. I can only speculate that maybe they caught someone in broad daylight trying to steal it?! Though that really boggles my mind, since it was a bike rack just a couple yards to the entrance of the busy farmer's market on Arizona, and pfft, there's usually a police cruiser right there as well..