Fighting Traffic

Thread started by
_iJunes at 07.13.09 - 9:49 am
Elderly man in Lanzhou vandalizes 30 cars that run through red lights
The Xinhua News Agency has a headline news story about Yan Zheng-ping, a 74-year old retired literature teacher from Qilihe district in Lanzhou, who personally “declared war” against unsafe drivers who drive through red lights, and has vandalized 30 cars using a brick.
According to the news story, , originally published by the “Beijing Times” (”新景报”) although Yan Zheng-ping admits that his actions are illegal, he has no regrets about what he has done.
“Within a two hour period on the evening of 9 July, Lanzhou septagenarian Yan Zheng-ping used a brick to vandalize 14 vehicles that drove through the red lights on a pedestrian crossing close to his residence, attracting widespread public attention and discussion.”
“Some people have praised his conduct, believing that drivers who cross red lights are playing games with people’s lives and should be taught a lesson. Other people oppose his excessive conduct, believing that smashing cars is illegal behaviour, and should not be encouraged.”
“Yesterday, the author of the news story interviewed Yan Zheng-ping by phone about the car-smashing incidents.”
“According to the ‘Lanzhou Morning Post’, yesterday, a team of traffic police in Lanzhou’s Qilihe district expanded supervision of cars that do not allow pedestrians to walk across zebra crossings in the area. Almost no vehicles drove through red lights on zebra crossings.”
“On the evening of 9 July, after using a brick to smash 14 vehicles that passed through red lights at the gate to his compound, the 74 year-old and his brick-wielding hand became a widespread topic of discussion.”
“He is a resident of the Jingangcheng compound in Lanzhou’s Qilihe district, who has had ‘experiences on multiple occasions where I’ve almost been killed by a car while on a zebra crossing’, which gave him the idea of attacking vehicles, and using these extreme measures to express his dissatisfaction with the disregard of drivers for the lives of pedestrians.”
“Yan Zheng-ping admits that smashing cars is illegal behaviour, but he makes the counter-question ‘are there any other methods available to me?’”
“This retired literature teacher is usually scholarly and refined in his bearing, and is fond of literature and photography. His smashing of cars on that evening has led people to refer to him as either an ‘elderly hero’, or someone who ‘blindly causes disturbance.’”
now imagine the reactions if someone decided to wait at an intersection and throw a broomstick in the front wheel of every passing cyclist that blows a red. or less aggressively a tack strip (only damaging the tires not the rider) i'm pretty sure we wouldn't call that person a hero.
i know, i know, we'll only damage ourselves running reds whereas a car will kill people, but i just like to play devil's advocate. entertain me forum!
cassidy07.13.09 - 10:58 am