Can you get tires at THE BIKE KITCHEN/OVEN?

Thread started by
Conspirate at 07.29.09 - 3:02 pm

I found a really nice road bike I am finally gonna use for good. It needs new tires though. The bike shop near me will install new tires/tubes for 90 bucks and they refuse to teach me, the latter of which is truly outrageous.
So if I were to swing on by the bike kitchen tonight, would they have tires/tubes at hand? Just tires? In which case, I would bring tubes with me. Eh?
They aren't answering the phone so I ask you the people if anyone happens to know and be so kind, I would die happy.
there is a good chance that the kitchen will have tires, but i don't know what the current stock is...we definitely have tubes
we will certainly teach you how to put them on. if you want to be sure, buy the tires at the shop and then bring bike and tires to the kitchen. i'll be there tonight
cassidy07.29.09 - 3:07 pm
90 dollars isn't bad if you're buying Gatorskins and tubes from them (that would make it free), but damn, if you aren't, then I sure hope you go to the Kitchen! It doesn't take long to do that, I'll even do it for you, haha!
imachynna07.29.09 - 6:52 pm
I bought my gatorskin at the kitchen. I think it depends on the size and brand you want but more than likely it'll be in stock. I paid 45 (I only or one) an of ourse they'll help you out!!! If all else fails orange 20 is across the street and it's the same price if not a lil more for tax
Gizzard07.29.09 - 7:29 pm
Sounds like the piss poor excuse of a main shop we have up here, always giving you the evil eye when you buy the tubes then walk out.
bentstrider07.29.09 - 7:34 pm
the bike shop is ripping you off will what kind of tires are u getting and go to bicycle kitchen i love that place
sharkboi2807.29.09 - 8:23 pm
what bike shop is it?
tubes cost like $6-$10 at most
tires differs from what kind you buy.
then to install w/ labor fee would be like $4 or $5.
dont wanna go there to buy any tubes or tires.
tekmo07.30.09 - 2:09 am
They have affordable tires and tubes at the Oven...
alicestrong07.30.09 - 3:05 am
Well I bought two tires and super-thick tubing yesterday at a shop on Reseda. It came out to like eighty bucks. I feel like a total tool. I don't even have the money to pay for it. Plus I got red-striped tires which I don't really like that much, although they look neat in retrospect they will probably be responsible for my bike getting stolen.
I vouched out of having the tires installed because
A. i want to learn how to do it myself and
B. perhaps there will be spare/cheaper tires at the kitchen/oven. besides, i'd rather support you guys then an overpriced shop that has had a monopoly on bike maintenance for decades.
So i'm going to either the bike kitchen or the bike oven tonight. I haven't looked up on google for which one is closer to the valley, they're probably about the same. the oven is open 7-10, the kitchen 6:30-9. so it doesn't make much a difference. and i'll probably leave in a couple hours because of that famous los angeles traffikkk.
Shoutout to cassidy and imachynna. and everyone else. mega thanks. i hope to learn how to assemble bikes and then help out people similar to as you are doing yourselves.
Conspirate07.30.09 - 3:08 pm
I get tubes at the Oven. Leave a donation too.
Joe Borfo07.30.09 - 3:10 pm
why do you feel like a tool?
just like buying car tires, not all bike tires are created equally. i paid 80 bucks for a pair of my tires, but that's because I knew what I was buying and i'm expecting to put a lot of miles on them.
Likewise you can spend 20-25 bucks on a pair of tires. but you'll learn fast how fast they will last. which is fine. you can buy another pair when those run out, and you 've only spent a quarter of what you would have if you bought the high-end stuff.
don't worry- ride enough, and, you'll learn about your bike and its parts eventually.
sciencefriction responding to a
comment by Conspirate
07.30.09 - 4:15 pm
One of my friends mistakenly went to the shop over here to buy a replacement 26" rear.
They got all of the info for an order and got it in today, but the dumbfucks over there sold it to someone else before my friend came to pick it up.
Needless to say, words were exchanged, staredowns commenced and Mike finally got his $60 back.
bentstrider07.30.09 - 5:13 pm