24inch wheel
Thread started by
angrytoaster30 at 07.23.09 - 6:59 am
Anybody have a 24inch rim\ built wheel they would sell to me? I checked at the bikerowave and they didnt have a 24. I really want to finish my mountainbike and outfit it with a ridiculous amount of racks with which to carry things, so if anybodys got one post in this thread or shoot me and email at ngroll22 at gmail dot com.
i have what i think is a 24 inch quick release front wheel. i think it's a vuelta with possibly 18 bladed spokes....
barleye07.23.09 - 7:16 am
that is perhaps exactly what i need. How much do you want for it brad
angrytoaster3007.23.09 - 7:30 am
$10 ....that's what i paid for it...if you're broke, you can have it....
email me
barleye responding to a
comment by angrytoaster30
07.23.09 - 7:42 am