
Thread started by
Puda at 07.21.09 - 10:15 pm
I had my third cycling accident in a month today.
I got doored.
The first two accidents(1:broken grate, skinny tire. 2: Going too fast on a sharp, sandy turn.) were forgivable, This time I just feel stupid and careless.
I was so pissed off, I cried pretty much the whole way home.
I didn't get the motorist's name, or any of his information. I didn't because there was nothing to do about it. I didn't feel like dealing with anything/anyone just then; I wanted to get home. A witness was nice enough to show some real concern, but I told him I was fine and I rode off on my way.
About a third ways to home, I decided I'd take the bus. I didn't want to ride my bike all the way home to Torrance(from Santa Monica, my daily commute.), I was too shaken. Plus, I didn't exactly know what was up with my bike, as I didn't get to take a good look at the damage.
My first set of bruises have just fully healed, and my second set are fading. And now I have some more. God damn it. I'm gonna end up getting killed if I don't pay more attention. I am feeling so down and discouraged about riding.
Anyway, I was wondering if someone who is handy with fixing bikes was nice enough to help me straighten out the front part of my bike. I can't pay you, so that's where you being nice comes in (I could probably get you a small pizza from work though. We have Vegan ones, you know...). I have work till 5 tomorrow, near Ocean Park and Centinela. (3two3) 4seven6-5twothree7 I have unlimited texting. Thanks in advance.
They have the lever at the Bikerowave that someone at the Bicycle Kitchen once used to help me straighten my fork (that is what is bent?) so maybe someone there has some experience on how to straighten it out and can show you.
Gav07.21.09 - 10:24 pm
assuming it's steel
Gav07.21.09 - 10:27 pm
Are you okay!?!?!?
Why didn't you call me!?!?!
Fack! We can fix your bike at the Kitchen, but the bikerowave is much closer to you.
Oh man let me know if there's anything I can do to help.
imachynna07.21.09 - 10:28 pm
Oh, duh. Why didn't I think of that first? Sound idea.
And it's not the forks. My brakes are the ones that are tweaked.
Puda responding to a
comment by Gav
07.21.09 - 11:08 pm
I am fine, Chynnamon. My neck is messed up, and only tomorrow's soreness will determine how much. Other than that, I have bruised knees and a sore shoulder. I'm still inworking condition though, and have all my parts. I am only a bit damaged, just like my bike.
I shall now proceed to looking up the location for Bikrowave.
Oh yeah, and I couldn't call to cry and whine to you/anyone cos my phone was dead. D:
Puda responding to a
comment by imachynna
07.21.09 - 11:15 pm
Good, glad to know you're okay at least.
Here's the Bikerowave address:
1816A Berkeley Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404
imachynna responding to a
comment by Puda
07.21.09 - 11:27 pm
theres never a reason not to get their information, how are you going to pay for the medical bills if you find out something is broken. If they door you that is completely theit fault, there is no way aroudn it.
I hope you feel better but you have to be proactive
robin swabin07.22.09 - 5:14 am
I have a fork straightener, a real bike tool for this sort of thing. I'd gladly trade a pizza for fixing your fork. But I want meat, to hell with that vegan crap.
come by anytime if it's not too far for you.
Atomic Cycles
17322 Saticoy
Van Nuys CA 91406
rev106 responding to a
comment by robin swabin
07.22.09 - 6:58 am