L.A. to Escondido Quotes!!!!!

Thread started by
BlAcKnYeLLoWfUji at 07.20.09 - 8:29 pm
"Fuck my life!!!"
-Melissa Stern
"At the blue sign, I'm getting off my bike."
-Melissa Stern
"I think I see civilization way the fuck out there."
-Sir Bryan Williams
"It looks like you're making love to your pizza."
-Joseph Riley (to Sarah Livingston)
I had to use the bathroom, but I farted. I'm good now."
-Sarah Livingston
"We could go back and play roadkill bingo."
-Stephanie Cook
I'm not drinking the hose water, I don't wanna take a green shit tonight."
-Stephanie Cook (following a group meeting at a closed gas station in which the drinking of water intended to fill cars was considered)
-Everyone (upon finding a store after making it out of the hell that is Camp Pendelton)
"The last 8 miles bit into the jugular of fun."
-Justin Adri
"Joseph, don't fall asleep in your water."
-Melissa Stern (to Joseph Riley as his body said "fuck you, we're done here" at the brewery)
"Okay guys, see you after dinner."
-Stephanie Cook (after our food came at the brewery)
"I hate riding bikes."
-Justin Adri
"John, you have a small sausage. John, you have a small sausage."
-P.A. System at a pizza place
"Sir, which way is Oceanside?"
-Everyone (to a random driver in the hell that is Camp Pendelton)
" :-l "
-Random Driver
"That looks like an intimidating landscape."
-Justin Adri
"I can't sleep because I can smell myself."
-Stephanie Cook
-Sarah Livingston (on a hill in the hell that is Camp Pendelton)
If you're hungry, you might wanna befriend Bryan over there."
-Justin Adri (to a crashing, incoherent Joseph Riley)
"Fuck you."
-Sir Bryan Williams
"_____________ is a state of mind!!!"
-Joseph Riley (dellusional within the hell that is Camp Pendelton)
"The word mile and the word hill have been stricken from the english language. If you use these words, you're banned!!!"
-Joseph Riley
"My dogs are barking"
-Justin Adri
"My dogs are neutered."
-Sir Bryan Williams
"I feel stinky."
-Sarah Livingston
"My legs don't hurt, it's just my insides."
-Joseph Riley
"That seat can kiss my ass."
-Joseph Riley
"It already did."
-Melissa Stern
"Your bike sounds like a mouse, after hours of torture, and it's tired of screaming."
-Justin Adri