Thread started by
steph at 07.15.09 - 3:26 pm
Anyone else want to ride a century and drink delicious beer?
July 18, 2009
Leave Union Station at 7 o' clock SHARP.
Regroup at Long Beach's Transit Mall station at 8 o' clock, stretch, refuel, and GO!
The route from Union Station will end up being just over a century. From Long Beach it's about 85 miles, if you aren't quite up for a century take the train to LB, and ride with us from there. When we get to Escondido we're hitting up the famed Stone brewery for eats and drinks. It is likely we will miss the train back, check the thread for updates on train times. We're working on finding a friendly floor to sleep on or an inexpensive sleeping alternative for the night.
Everything you will need, tubes, water, clean underwear, pump, levers, ID for camp pendleton, and helmet!
you've been reading my mind. I just rode a century to santa barbara. my main goal was to get to the santa barbara brewing company on state street for their wheat ale. beer never tasted soooooo good. this sounds like fun. the trail through pendelton is siiiiick. get ready for sum headwinds and awesome pace-lining.
sancho107.15.09 - 3:40 pm
Grrr... This sounds amazing!!!!
I'm trying to think of ways of comming to this but I can't make it to LA till Sat night at the earliest. Have fun drinking without me :(
Gizzard07.15.09 - 6:18 pm
Love it!! I am there rolling to find the holy ale. We shall get stone-faced intoxicated by the blessing of good brew. There is no better carrot dangling in front of a mule on a 100 mile journey. On board and *EXCITED*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LifeCycle07.15.09 - 7:56 pm
who wants to do this! Go here and accept:
some of us will be riding from LA.. or if you dont feel likle riding 115+ miles we can leave from Longe beach and do 85-88 miles!
Come on.. if i can do it.. you all can do it
Thegirlinglass07.16.09 - 9:25 am
should be epic,
we're going to do some beach stops.. and stop off in Laguna/Newport Beach to eat at the Shake Shack (in Crystal Cove) or Taco Loco (in Laguna) and hop in the ocean probably at Main Beach since its right off PCH.. like street and boom sand and it's pretty much the halfway point. the only killer of the trip will be going inland from Oceanside since it will probably be DEATHLY hot outside.. but we can kick back our pace even more and if we have to "drown" ourselves in water.
It will probably be a chill to med pace since it such a long route in hot hot weather.. this is NOT a race.
sadly you have to be 21+ or have an awesome fake ID to join us on this EPIC adventure.
Thegirlinglass07.16.09 - 10:03 am
your post contradicts the other post for this ride.
Alright, Back by popular demand, the "YOU'RE NOT WORTHY" ride has been set and confirmed.
This is the "Summer" ride, exactly 6 mths from the first YNW "Winter" ride this past February.
Open to everyone willing to ride or drive down beautiful PCH all the way to Escondido, CA (approx. 110miles)
A Road Bike is recommended, but track bikes are highly encouraged.
50+ cyclist showed up this past winter (track & road) and about 8+ vehicles.
It is a fairly fast paced ride with 3 major checkpoints in between (#1 Seal Beach, #2 Dana Point & #3 Aliso Creek Rest Area).
Support vehicles are a must, being that we are riding to a Brewery and most likely will get shit faced.
Detailed Route Maps will be handed out on the morning of event. Arrive at 5am if you plan to grab breakfast.
WE LEAVE 6am SHARP....We need to leave on time to take advantage of the Free Brewery Tour (first come first served)
I'm still trying to get confirmation if Stone Brew will again greet us with the Merchandise Discount! I.D.'s are a must!
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
07.16.09 - 10:16 am
maybe this is another group going to the same thing
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.16.09 - 10:17 am
stephani is planning this one that we're doing.. so far its only Stephanie, Justin Adri, July and myself
so maybe well run into them!
Thegirlinglass07.16.09 - 10:32 am
wait scratch that.. this ride is Saturday... not the one in august
Thegirlinglass07.16.09 - 10:32 am
oh, the messengers are doing theirs in august. haha, silly me.
ruinedbyidiots07.16.09 - 10:33 am
were crashing down there and taking the train up in the morning.
join us!
Thegirlinglass07.16.09 - 10:46 am
we probably shouldn't stop much until we get close depending on our pace, we want to make sure to get there with plenty of time to drink. but i don't see why we can't make time for a quick dip in the ocean.
steph responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
07.16.09 - 4:11 pm
Why didn't you guys just come with for the ride that was/is planned for sunday?
Destroyer07.16.09 - 4:35 pm
@ SPOOK, wink wink.
@ Destroyer, um cos it's a totally different ride, and we want to end up at the brewery.
steph responding to a
comment by Destroyer
07.16.09 - 4:47 pm
eh they seem different enough to warrant two different rides. they both look pretty good and pass by my new neck of the woods. i would do this ride cept i don't want to spend the night out.
tfunk408 responding to a
comment by Destroyer
07.16.09 - 4:53 pm
you guys are funny... do you know that at a chill pace with the ammount of stops you're doing you're gonna be on the road for, at the very least, 8 to 9 hours. get real. a ride down south to SD is hardly a picnic. and oh yeah, way to encourage the underage crowd to get fake IDs. im sure the MPs at camp pendelton are not going to notice.
sancho107.17.09 - 9:28 am
we're actually not going to be stopping much.. we discussed this last night.. we expecting to bike 15mph pace (i assume).. and i was joking about the fake i.d. part.
and yea we realize its not that easy of a ride.. but it will be worth it once we get down there.. we're taking the train home and crashing at a friends house.. it will be hard.. we will be out for a long time.. but oh well.
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by sancho1
07.17.09 - 9:41 am
everyone please remember to bring helmets and IDs so we can get through camp pendleton.
does anyone planning to come have a cable they can bring so we can lock up outside the brewery?
steph responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
07.17.09 - 9:47 am
bump bump bump
for all the people going on this ride.. lets meet at my house for pasta made by Justin and to discuss tomorrows century of epicness adventure!!
nine 4 nine 2 four one 0 54 zero
Thegirlinglass07.17.09 - 1:48 pm
what if you forget your helmet can you still ride? ::)
Hectic responding to a
comment by steph
07.17.09 - 2:38 pm
not through Camp Pendalton.. that saves us from having to ride up the hills on the 5
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by Hectic
07.17.09 - 2:40 pm
oh that makes sense ;)
Hectic responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
07.17.09 - 2:42 pm
borrow one hector and roll with us!
steph responding to a
comment by Hectic
07.17.09 - 2:44 pm
Have fun everyone! Be safe. Don't think I'm gonna make it out, Steph. :(
imachynna07.17.09 - 2:44 pm
I'm so down for this. I'm glad it's still happening. Hopefully I will be awake.
danya07.17.09 - 3:36 pm
i've still got my cracked helmet from my crash. you can use that so they let you in the base and then take it off.
coldcut responding to a
comment by Hectic
07.17.09 - 3:38 pm
sarah you should stay down here tonight then... but not on my couch again lol
steph responding to a
comment by coldcut
07.17.09 - 4:57 pm
are you going to the RWNN ? can you bring it ? just in case i can make it .
Hectic responding to a
comment by coldcut
07.17.09 - 6:11 pm
so excited for tomorrow. bring sunscreen. 1 or 2 pepes bring a cable lock. here's what the lodging, cost situation is.
beer: it's a sliding scale, depending on how much of a drunk you are.
room: we've got a suite at the ramada w 2 queen beds and a pull out sofa. it was 110, so the more people that come the cheaper it will be.
train: looks like the only one we can feasibly take Saturday is around 2 pm and will cost us 10 bucks a head.
route slips and spokecards are done. everybody indulge in a carb-feast and i'll see you on the morrow.
steph responding to a
comment by Hectic
07.17.09 - 7:28 pm
we love you steph.. thanks!! ill see you guys at 8am in Long beach! im taking the bus - trian to get down there! see you :)
Thegirlinglass07.17.09 - 8:31 pm
I am so so sorry Chynna.
tivu07.18.09 - 1:03 am
I wish I could go : (
Have fun, Stone Brewery is probably one of my favorite places ever.
Don't forget to try to get your tour pass EARLY!
You better keep in touch with me Steph, or I will be mighty sore with ya!
See you guiz at the Mosey.
TheDude07.18.09 - 12:44 pm
Damn, wish I knew about this earlier. I'm always down for Stone and you guys probably went right by my place in Long Beach.
Blockhead Mark07.18.09 - 12:48 pm
Hey, you know what's funny?
We're all in Escondido right now, after kicking the fuck out of the ride, PCH, Camp Pendelton, and the Stone Brewery last night.
So yes, we made it. Eat your fucking crow.
BMFW responding to a
comment by sancho1
07.19.09 - 9:19 am
I just ran into the Ridazz coming from this event at union station.
Nice to see you guys, glad you had a good time!
TheDude07.19.09 - 5:42 pm
we did it!! we finished it!! we conqored the fuck out of Camp Pendleton.. even getting lost.. and stuck in the butt fuck of1
Thegirlinglass07.19.09 - 7:03 pm
sorry my cat pressed the return butto (send)
stuck in the butt fuck of nowhere.. hill after hill
we made it to the end!
Thegirlinglass07.19.09 - 7:04 pm
Glad everyone had a great time and came back safe and sound. I was really looking forward to this but a couple of things stood in the way, mainly my sore foot and lack of funds for the train back. Pictures or it didn't happen.
And Danya.... a new level of respect for you. I can't imagine it being possible but after the previous night and all the drinking we did (and you as well) I can't believe you managed to get up on time and still do the ride. Amazing!
July responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
07.19.09 - 7:09 pm
we made it there with no flats, no crashes.. no real problmes
minus getting lost in the fucking desert of cap plendelton in the place were the soot ammo and test bombs in the moutain death region!
Thegirlinglass07.19.09 - 7:24 pm
Melissa, your words aren't making sense anymore. Get some food and some sleep.
BMFW responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
07.19.09 - 7:50 pm
hahaha i don't know brian, you nuts.
thank you guys for all coming out im so proud to have been on all of your FIRST CENTURIES. melissa and sarah, serious props for handling the mileage despite the limitations of your bikes. it was a majorly wonderful day.
steph responding to a
comment by BMFW
07.19.09 - 8:23 pm
oh and my last and most sincere apologies for making that wrong turn that forced us to scale that mountain range in camp pendleton. oops.
steph07.19.09 - 8:32 pm
no no no its fine!!! it makes the century that much more enjoyable to have accomplished.. and gives us an awesome thing to look back on.. we conqured the death/ deep roots of the Camp..
ha actually as odd as it sounds.. thank you for making the wrong turn!
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by steph
07.19.09 - 8:42 pm