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The Days of Our Ridazz.

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graphic/web designer...   8
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Cubcamp tonight?   17
Imachynna Syndrome   190
has any body done th...   17
Freedom Ride Video   7
SO Cal Girl Ridazz O...   58
Boston, MA rides?   34
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ALERT ! Topanga Stat...   5
Tour Del Valle   106
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licensed plumber   7
AT&T blocks img.4cha...   27
NUMB PINKY!!!!   18
Boy hit by SUV in SF...   3
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tour De HOODs   75
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Thread Box:
bikers suck
Thread started by jendiamond at 07.11.09 - 6:34 pm

To give you an idea of the attitudes bikers are up against, this is from today's Craiglist Rant and Raves section:

Re: Bike Lanes
Reply to: pers-9fy9h-1265104053@craigslist.org
Date: 2009-07-11, 2:10PM PDT

When bicyclist stay in the bike lanes I will stay out of the bike lanes. I know you like to get all dressed up in your little bike shorts ang tight shirt so you can pretend your in the tour de france and get a bettrer rubbing sensation on your asshole. Then you driveout in the # 2 lane on the busiest major streets like Sepulveda or Wilshire and highways like PCH during heavy traffic hours when there are bike trails and paths streets. Then you complain about a family crossing your path. You should of ran into them and I will run over the next bike that goes in my lane. I know you like to ride the busiest streets and cause more traffic and accidents just because your hopeing some gay guy sees you and pulls over and youget hit on. Go to the quiet streets like residential or wait until after the traffic rushhours are over. I always love driving close to bicyclist and blowing my horn and scareing them until they fill up their tight shorts with shit. Really you look pathedic out there. No really

Re: Bike Lanes
Reply to: pers-kk8as-1265289731@craigslist.org
Date: 2009-07-11, 4:34PM PDT

I agree, it seems like most bicylists don't want to obey traffic laws, yet they whine about cars not obeying traffic laws.

I'm so tired of seeing some hipster asshole on a bike run a stoplight or red light.
Eventually they will get hit by a car, and their rich parents back east will hire a lawyer to sue the hapless driver that ended up hitting them

Most motorists are undierinsured, so little hipster may end up with $50k and never be able to walk normally again.

But hey, he looked so cool on his chainless bike!

Reply to: pers-9fy9h-1265104053@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-11, 2:10PM PDT

Hello All,

I care less about LACBC's "bikeways" ( http://www.la-bike.org/ ) and more about educating drivers that bicyclists have the right to be in the road. I still think that an education campaign with billboards, fliers, a series of articles in the LA Times & LA Weekly would be a great place to start as well as educating the police. I, as well as others have received tickets for exerting our right to ride in the road.

I do agree with the ranters that bicyclists have to take responsibility for their own actions and not blow red lights and stop signs et cetera. When motorists see one biker do that they see us all do that.

Preaching to the converted,
Jen Diamond

P.S.- I did sign the petition and I think that LACBC often work for us but more needs to be done by them and by us.


bikers do suck. Their roaring engines hurt my ears

07.11.09 - 6:56 pm


Those bitches are "short bus" status.

07.11.09 - 6:57 pm


"But hey, he looked so cool on his chainless bike!"


07.11.09 - 7:00 pm


Can I have a chainless bike too?

responding to a comment by MaryZeiser
07.11.09 - 7:01 pm


#1) Everyone knows douchebags like to write about how much they hate cyclists on Craiglist. Old news.

#2) A *gasp* vintage chainless bike?

07.11.09 - 7:32 pm


"I still think that an education campaign with billboards, fliers, a series of articles in the LA Times & LA Weekly would be a great place to start as well as educating the police." - jebdiamond

I think this is one of the most important things right now. I believe for our time $$$ and effort, and comprehensive education/ information program will offer the most bang for the buck.

If you are working on such an effort, you can count on my creative and organizational support.

I have talked to LACBC about this very subject, are are very supportive of the idea.
What's needed is a team to work with sustained effort to coordinate strategy, messages, funding, and distribution.

Education, not the only thing that will make riding better, safer, and more common in L.A. but is is one of the most efficient and effective ways we can invest our time improving bike conditions.

There are underground efforts brewing to get the message out.
But we need to be working on all levels.

07.11.09 - 7:41 pm


I just found this one one craig's list rants and raves.

Bike Lanes/Hipsters (Attention)

Reply to: pers-w23cw-1265387183@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-11, 6:07PM PDT

Attention Hipsters----just face it...CARS RULE THE UNITED STATES....especially Los Angeles!!! You will always be a secondary thought in civil engineering and commerce. Cars are big business...do you think the Government would have bailed out Schwinn if they were going bankrupt? nope!!!

All the little hipster guys with their tight pants and no brakes will grow out of this phase and buy a car when they can no longer smell like shit when they get to work. When they have to actually get a job and show up on time, dress professionally, and groom themselves. Most of those hipsters have DUI's, lost their licenses and cannot afford insurance, forced to ride a bike rather than take the bus. So they adapt to the other hipsters so they fit in, instead of looking like a losers without a car and/or driver's license.

The other funny thing is they say they are "one less car"...but as soon as they need a ride to the beach or to Burning Man, they are all about a car. They would rather their car driving friends take the responsibility to drive because they are drunk/high all the time and cannot get another DUI, because then mommy and daddy will stop sending them money from back east. Most hipsters have become that way out of necessity, because they are not healthy because they would rather spend money on coffee, cigarettes and PBR than food, rent and clothes.

That is another thing....have you noticed how the Hipsters claim to be unique, but they all look alike? and they SMELL!!!! Next time you hipsters buy some cheap ass clothes at the second hand stores....wash them before adding you own stink to them. I also heard on the news that they were drunk on a group ride last night through the East side, being drunk and rowdy gawking at where Michael Jackson filmed Thriller and the gangs protected their territory and told all the rich white kids to get the fuck out.....someone even got shot in the back as he was biking away.

Whatever...this rant starting because of the bike lanes....and the hipsters give the true riders a bad name.....the hipsters are a bunch of law-breaking, smelly, bad dressing -with worse tattoos- drunk, and I doubt they pay their taxes, therefore giving them no reasons to complain about the roads. PS....they hispters can keep their ugly woman....and boy are some of them ugly...woof! and probably have massive hairy unclean stanky twats...woof!

07.11.09 - 9:06 pm


I still think Harleys are good machines for long-distance travel.

It's the knuckleheads that switch out the stock mufflers for the "Big-Gun Pipes" that could be heard for miles that act like they want a cookie.

responding to a comment by Gav
07.11.09 - 9:11 pm


I always love the "But cyclists run stop signs and red lights!" argument because if you sit on the corner of almost any intersection in Los Angeles, you will witness drivers run red lights and stop signs, and barrel down residential streets like a bat out of hell.

I do agree that education will alleviate part of the problem. Fliers pointing out the laws and then pointing out counterarguments to these sort of complaints might help, as I often get the best results from folks when I ask them, "Well, how many times have you seen a driver roll a stop sign or gotten stuck behind a bus?" I get the "Oh...yeah...." face.

I'd be down to help with this.

07.11.09 - 9:22 pm


Fuck those namby pamby crybabies. My bf runs reds and stops all the time, and yeah, he got tickets a couple times.. but you know what, is it that huge a deal? Maybe it is in Los Angeles, but damn, I've been spending the week out in Boston and EVERYBODY here runs reds and stopsigns without batting an eyelash. Pedestrians jaywalk when it's red too. Nobody gets tickets for jaywalking. Cops don't care, cars don't care, it's just not important.. the cars also drive a bit crazier here, but in a savvy way, not soccer mom sipping latte yammerin' on her phone way. I guess L.A. will never get to that point since everyone's so straight-laced about rules. Yeah, bicyclists have the rights of motorists, but at the same time (as it's been repeated a billion times) we are *not* like motorists. And that's what we should be striving for in changing laws.. :

07.12.09 - 5:43 am


don't give any of these cocktouchers the attention they're seeking. fat fuck losers that wish they were in shape enough to ride a bike. blow them off.

07.12.09 - 7:08 am


trust no one?

07.12.09 - 9:07 am


BTW, nice chainless bike.

I rode one of those once though and found out why chains took over.

07.12.09 - 9:08 am



07.12.09 - 9:14 am



I luv you Alice..

responding to a comment by alicestrong
07.12.09 - 10:03 am


gonna sell my bike now :-

07.12.09 - 12:00 pm


Responding to Dusky, " I've been spending the week out in Boston and EVERYBODY here runs reds and stop signs without batting an eyelash. Pedestrians jaywalk when it's red too. Nobody gets tickets for jaywalking. Cops don't care, cars don't care, it's just not important..."

I rode as a messenger in Boston for a decade. I rode as you mention, going the wrong way, not stopping et cetera but I also was hit MANY times by cars and it was my fault. I could have prevented it. Pedestrian also get hit and killed there too and messengers have to get licensed and get ticketed a lot. In Boston the Jay walking and "crazy" biking works better than here in L.A. because the roads are small (they are cow paths turned roads) and people/ (pedestrians and drivers) are used to seeing a lot of bicyclists for decades/centuries. There is still a level of disdain for bikers but no where near the level that there is here in L.A.

Here in L.A. bicyclists have grown exponentially in number from when I first arrived 8 years ago. It's an amazing phenomenon that we are all proud to be a part of. It is a huge deal to be able to create change in a society and I believe that just by us all being out riding in the numbers that we are now has made a positive change for L.A. although that isn't enough. Other cities can be used as models but each cities is as different as we are all individuals.
I am sure you are not new to the recent and on-going events of bikers getting hit and also killed and the police not doing anything about it until forced or actually making matters worse. These things have to be addressed or we are just victims.

We are living in a unique time when not just a few people are starting to be interested in sustainable resources but our country and the world are looking towards the future. We need to make ourselves heard and our rights upheld.

Yes we are different than motorists but we also have a responsibility to ourselves and others to have a code of conduct and bikers etiquette. We can just as easily cause an accident by driving badly as a car can. I've had plenty of bikers pass me on my right and left with no warning before they went by which made me think similar to the ranters about lame bikers thinking they are too cool for school that they are willing to risk my safety as well as their own. We need to be a cohesive group and be respectful of all riders even if they're slower than you or you don't know them. Wave, introduce yourself, build our community and make it stronger. It's good to know that if you have a problem there is someone who would be willing to help you. We are a community and are much stronger that way when viewed by cars, politics or each other.

Anyways Dusky, you mentioned Boston as a model and I went off on a multiple paragraph rant of my own.

This is an aside:
Bikers should be electing Josef Bray and Stephen Box to the LACBC or any office they choose to run for. They both have solid sustainable ideas for biking and have show the staying power that one needs to deal with the lameness that is politics. They are amazing people who we should all be glad that they are working for us. Support Stephen and Enci with their film shoot too.

Enough from me. Sorry for the ridiculously long post, I'm charged on coffee.

Preaching to the converted,
Jen Diamond

responding to a comment by dusky
07.12.09 - 12:08 pm


when I'm not protecting the universe, i work at a department store and am required to wear nice clothes so that customers will buy high ticket items from me. i bike to work every shift and am one of the top producers in my department. but that person is right, my license is suspended as of yesterday because I didn't have a front license plate.

07.12.09 - 1:59 pm



in re; "re- bike lanes" (Hey, Tough Guy Wearing Spandex...)

Reply to: pers-gfgne-1265658101@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-07-12, 12:29AM PDT

""How about packs of riders riding outside the bike lanes? What do we do about that?"

You fucking DEAL with it. You slow down. You wait for a safe opportunity to pass. You have NO RIGHT to think otherwise. If you get sutck behind them...big fucking deal.

Laws will never be legislated in Los Angeles against bicycles on the streets. As a matter of fact, its slowly going FOR bicycles on the streets.

AGAIN...deal with it. You have no choice."


No choice? Oh really? You probably meant to say that law-abiding (police-fearing) drivers have no choice.

Then, you have me; an asshole who doesn't give a flying fuck about dumbasses playing in traffic.

In fact, I cheered when that doctor rearranged that bicylist's face (and body) last year - you know the story.

The only problem was that the doctor stayed around, and had too much incriminating evidence.

Yes, I will fucking brake-check your asses...

Yes, I will let you sample the fucking mirror on my door (it's big - and attached like a brick shithouse)...

Yes, I will let loose with over 100 decibals of air horn...

... All because so many of you fucksticks think others will not dare to interrupt your fucking parade.

As an example (yes, I know this asswipe did not wear spandex);

Puto riding down the sidewalk...

I saw the puto...

I got to the 4-way stop way ahead of puto...

... and made a right-hand turn in front of puto.

Puto did not stop...

... until after he went over the hood of my truck, and his fucking bike slammed the side of my truck.


Guess what, Mr. Po-Po was coming down the street - and saw the whole goddamn thing.

Puto gets bigs cuts...

Puto has permanent cinders in his ass...

Puto get very big ticket for not yielding to a goddamn motherfucking vehicle that outweighed him by 6000#.

I have no choice?

OP, you are so goddamn sorely mistaken!

Location: Hey, Tough Guy Wearing Spandex...
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

07.12.09 - 2:22 pm


I hate LA drivers.

That being said I am an LA driver occasionally and there have been times where I've found myself behind really irresponsible bike riders. I never het aggressive or angry but I do want to pull them over and lecture them a bit.

My biggest beef is the weavy ridaZz who lazily ride along and weave in and out of empty parking spots taking in the site and sounds.... Seemingly oblivious to the other occupants of the road.... Sorry but we ride on theeanest streets in the US. You have got to learn to ride correctly in LA traffic. I would love to see some sort of program that allowed a person to voluntarily get a bike commuting license which in turn would grant some kind of legal benefit in return, like injury coverae or something. The program could teach riders how to properly ride in traffic and negotiate traffic.

It's nerdy but using hand signals would help a lot to win overte hearts and minds of drivers as well.....

07.12.09 - 3:16 pm



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