Man, my homegirl took that fucking photo! We were there and we saw it all! Clit Fest was the fucking shit... So fuck you foos that ranked out on us cuz you missed out on a dope ass show! The pit was fucking nuts and there were all these foos that got naked for Punch (hence the naked dude). I have no idea why, but there were so many morbidly obese men in the pit. I felt so fucking weak... I would try to push 'em outta my way and they wouldn't even move, LOL. A girl my size trying to push a morbidly obese man was so useless.
All in all, it was a badass show!!! Friday's line-up was the best!
Me & Meghan from Punch. --->
northernsoulbyrd08.9.09 - 11:34 pm