Pedal and clip/straps recommendations, plz

Thread started by
HappyLand at 08.4.09 - 11:47 am
I would like to replace my platform pedals with new ones! And since I can't afford clipless and would like to remain versatile as far as footwear goes, I am interested in clips/straps since y'all are always raving about how much faster it makes ya.
Recommendations for a beginner? Not fixed...and also, I have very small feet (W 5 1/2) and not a lot of moolah.
Many thanks and lots of love.
<3 <3 <3
bikerowave has plastic clips. ive heard people tell me they prefer them over the metal clips, and they tend to be gentler on your shoes. if you ask me, the straps make all the difference. i've heard people rave about the Pake Space straps, as they conform to your foot like leather, have the durability of plastic and hold their shape like a top-quality leather strap.
definitely start out with the cheap stuff until you know what you like.
tortuga_veloce08.4.09 - 11:53 am
I recommend the MKS GR-9 platform pedals, wouldn't want to ride a bike without em.
As far as cages, I like the Soma Quad Gate cages with double straps. I highly recommend the spendy double straps if you go for them, they will outlast the shitty leather double straps by 3-4 times longer, and they are only really about twice as expensive.
Been riding that setup for a year and a half now, haven't found anything I like better.
jonnyboy08.4.09 - 11:56 am
Footwear: You will find limitations with cages, just as you would with clipless... that is, you might think just because you have cages you can wear most of your shoes, but for proper fit, you will either adjust you cages to your footwear whims, or some shoes will not fit (damage footwear too).
Clipless: Highly recommend. But not necessarily a fashion plus. Especially if your riding is limited to bars, parties (i.e. not long commutes). But if you ride long distance (want to)... then clipless is wonderful... if not just stick to platforms and ride harder than others = faster.
Fast-ness and more: cages will help significantly with the uphill.... i think its like 75% more efficient than platforms. Another big plus, is that they will help keep your feet from slipping off the pedal (eg. you ride over some fucked up street) -- on downhill too, but not an big issue if your not riding fixed.
I had a pair of power grips... they were more versatile than cages, and easy to adjust... but I dont like cages.. or powergrips... clipless is the way to go... the downhill sector gave us some wonderful clipless/platform pedals, for the local errands.
Go cheap... like a poster said, plastic and a some $10 pedals... if you dont like them... so back to platforms. id rather jump from platform to clipless. But other might disagree
md208.4.09 - 12:10 pm
Try other bikes with different pedal setups if you can.
I was a non-believer in the double straps until I tried em. Hooked & wouldn't recommend anything else for daily / social riding. It all depends on what your needs are.
Clipless is by far the fastest, most efficient, and overall best for getting the most performance. I have clipless on my speedy road bike (which I ride rather infrequently cause I like to keep that one fresh for fast rides only) and the double straps / GR-9's for my single speed town bike / social riding bike / commuter.
jonnyboy08.4.09 - 12:28 pm
I should clarify: This is just for daily/social/occasional century riding.
I usually wear my Chucks on my bike.
One day when I get my super fast two pound road bike, I will go clipless.
Also, thanks for all the excellent information!
HappyLand08.4.09 - 12:33 pm
Hard to try out different bikes because I am so short : {
Although I rode Cyntia's little red corvette bike and that's kinda what got me considering the clips. I like the way it feels when your foot slides in. It's sexy.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
08.4.09 - 12:34 pm
Get some plain ol' cages. Plastic are good until you get used to metal. Eventually maybe consider double straps or going clipless (if you like cages and don't switch back to platforms.)
Cages are helpful, riding fixed or not. They keep your feet in place, and in the right place, and they help with pedal stroke. Not only that, but you can pull up on them going up hills. Same benefits for riding fixed, but you also use them to slow down when you're riding fixed.
imachynna08.4.09 - 12:40 pm
I have some small clips i have been meaning to to donate to the kitchen.
If you want you can try them out if you like them keep them if not give them to your local bike collective or bike friend.
email me at aol if you want them.
trickmilla08.4.09 - 12:42 pm