A Critical Mass of Bicyclists
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Limeyfly at 08.4.09 - 1:17 am
What is your definition of what a critical mass of bicyclists is?
What do you think it's purpose is???
I think a critical mass can be anything from 20 bikes or more riding together in the street. It's a "critical" "mass" of cyclists that grabs attention and can fill up a lane and ride as a pack. It's a general definition, but I'm being liberal.
I think the purpose of a critical mass is to show that there's lots of cyclists and the road is ours to use too. It's an opportunity for bikes to "take over" the road in a way that we can't when we ride alone. Cyclists spend much time on the road being vulnerable to the hulking cars that assert their own right to road space. CM is a chance for cyclists to demonstrate our size as an entity on the roadways...
kryxtanicole08.4.09 - 1:39 am
With bicyclists instead of neutrons.
It can be used to destroy or to create useful energy.
tivu08.4.09 - 1:51 am
Some wikiquotes:
"""The April 20, 2008 Budapest ride participation was estimated at 80,000 riders."""
"""Traffic would "bunch up" at these intersections until the backlog reached a "critical mass", at which point that mass would move through the intersection."""
"""The routes of some rides are decided spontaneously by whomever is currently at the front of the ride, others are decided prior to the ride by a popular vote of suggested routes often drawn up on photocopied flyers. The term xerocracy was coined to describe a process by which the route for a Critical Mass can be decided: anyone who has an opinion makes their own map and distributes it to the cyclists participating in the Mass."""
braydon08.4.09 - 2:40 am
Apart from being a name for a specific, recurring bike ride, achieving a "critical mass of cyclists" means that there are enough people regularly using bicycles in a utilitarian way that a tipping point is reached, and cycling becomes recognized as a viable means of transportation by the general public.
It could also be taken to mean a "mass" of cyclists who are being "critical" - presumably of the dominant car culture, but possibly film or restaurants as well.
I don't know if a "critical mass of cyclists", generically speaking, has a purpose, other than indicating that a major shift has occurred in the status quo.
angle08.4.09 - 2:45 am
I believe it's a congregation of people with one common goal and interest: to get as many people to consider alternative means of transportation other than the motorized vehicle. I feel that in order to attract people, mass should follow all of the same rules of the road that vehicles do.
I've also seen the reactions of people on the sidewalks (especially that section on Melrose where all the tourists go for their shopping) when we've ridden through there in the daytime and they're totally amazed and are really receptive of us. I understand that critical mass is geared more towards the late afternoon-early evening... but I would love to instead hold it on a sunday or saturday, when people are out shopping at The Grove or Melrose... with riders obeying all traffic laws.
Those are my .02.
July08.4.09 - 4:04 am
I believe it's a congregation of people with one common goal and interest: to get as many people to consider alternative means of transportation other than the motorized vehicle. I feel that in order to attract people, mass should follow all of the same rules of the road that vehicles do.
I've also seen the reactions of people on the sidewalks (especially that section on Melrose where all the tourists go for their shopping) when we've ridden through there in the daytime and they're totally amazed and are really receptive of us. I understand that critical mass is geared more towards the late afternoon-early evening... but I would love to instead hold it on a sunday or saturday, when people are out shopping at The Grove or Melrose... with riders obeying all traffic laws.
Those are my .02.
July08.4.09 - 4:05 am
It doesn't matter to me what the purpose is just as long as I have fun doing it BIKE RIDING.
crossbones08.4.09 - 6:06 am
A critical mass is the result of sitting on the toilet. Yay
general ganja08.4.09 - 10:36 am
To me, Critical Mass is people getting together to ride bicycles in the spirit of fun and the intention of effecting change.
A change in thinking.
-about the nature of transportation
-about the power of community
-about the rights of cyclists on the streets
-about safety in numbers
-about the ideal of a leaderless harmony
Joe Borfo
08.4.09 - 10:56 am
Ive always thought of Critical Mass as a modern digress so to speak.
CM is citizens, communities (i.e. people) getting together to have fun, essentially for free, while implicitly showing that cities, communities, streets (i.e. life) are for the people... the roads are OURS. Essentially we live with motorists, so its theirs too. But more or less that the hierarchy needs to and should change.
You pay taxes, but your some cities are built for visitors. There is very little in city life that is designed for the citizens. Critical mass to me, went back and said, were gonna have fun for free, on our streets... period.
Oh, and feel free to join... we dont care what your style, trend, or drama is...get a bike, and ride with us.
md208.4.09 - 11:27 am