Speedy Ladies

Thread started by
Maulie at 07.31.09 - 5:33 pm
Bicycle racing is F.U.N.! But so many ladies are missing out.
I'm gathering a group of ladies who are interested in trying out a real bicycle race for the first time (or the second or third time). If you're a lady (sorry gentlemen) who wants to give it a go with a group of other first-timers and some who've raced before, drop me an email.
We'll meet ahead of time to ride the course and discuss what to expect, warm up together, and debrief after.
If you've been too nervous to try before, or don't know how to get started, get in touch!
meg _ maureen at yahoo dot com
Interesting.. Maulie--are you a racer? Where would this happen?
TheJen07.31.09 - 5:35 pm
I've been racing this season. I did my first one last August. I was pretty intimidated to do my first race, but i've gotten seriously hooked.
The race is in Glendale August 30th. We'll meet the week before to go over the course and what to expect during the race. Race day, we'll warm up together, and debrief after. Info and registration for the race is at SoCalReg.com. Email me if you want to join up with us.
Maulie responding to a
comment by TheJen
07.31.09 - 6:24 pm
Dunno if I qualify as speedy, but I sent an email!
HappyLand07.31.09 - 6:34 pm
Sending you an email...
TheJen responding to a
comment by Maulie
07.31.09 - 10:50 pm
Hello ladies,
Let's meet up at the Brentwood Grand Prix this Sunday. We can meet at the Voler Women's Cycling So-Cal booth at 12:40pm. We will chat about what happens in a race, how it works, and then head out to watch the Women's Pro 1-2-3 race together. For info about the race, check the race flyer at SoCalReg.com.
If you're interested in doing some training the day before, meet me at 8:30am at the Universal City Red Line Metro Station. There is parking, and public transit, and smoking hot ladies chomping at the bit to be unleashed on the racing world (that's you guys!).
Saturday the 22nd, we'll meet in Glendale in the early evening and chat about our plans for the race and next season. Afterwards, those who want to can have dinner together.
Maulie08.5.09 - 12:02 am
Black and white is so hot right now, thank you Cervelo test team.
Nicki should go I'll tell her about it.
Also didn't Levi or someone wear some D&G or CC sunglasses on a stage of the ToC last year.
franz08.5.09 - 3:31 am
Cervelo has the best kits! (except for the helmets). My glasses are CVS not D&G. Ha. I don't remember the fancy sunglasses in the tour.
But yes, gentlemen, tell your fast ladies to come out!
Maulie responding to a
comment by franz
08.5.09 - 10:29 am
W00T Bicycle John's Grand Prix!~!~!~!~!
If there are GUYS who would like to race, we have a all MR rida team TEAM TOUCH
contact me at whatshisname@ijunes.com
but I support the ladies cause the lady racers are wow.
_iJunes08.5.09 - 10:38 am
maulie, you should design a kit and have rich from block cycle print them out for you.
his material is MMMmmMMMMmmsexy.
_iJunes08.5.09 - 10:39 am
You can also talk to Beatriz (She_Wolf) for some tips. She was a Rida before she started racing. She is one of the many that came from this community and then discovered racing. She can tell you about what it takes to become successful in the racing sphere. It starts with talent and desire but ultimately it takes a lot of quality miles.
She'll be at Brentwood this weekend.
sc_nomad responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.5.09 - 11:54 am
tyler hamilton liked his fancy shades,and his dope.i guess ill finnally get to see some of you kids from the forum racing in glendale.good luck and make your mommys proud
mandingo responding to a
comment by franz
08.5.09 - 11:58 am
why is it still that i have yet to meet you in person but i hear about you from everyone. are you riding bjgp? which field?
_iJunes responding to a
comment by mandingo
08.5.09 - 11:59 am
Mandingo is a class of its own.
sc_nomad responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.5.09 - 12:01 pm
I'll ask this here in case others have the same questions....
I don't have a race bike - is that okay? Are there any sort of bike regulations?
It's a one mile loop, but how many times do you do the loop?
HappyLand08.5.09 - 1:29 pm
the rules state that you need a 'road' bicycle. with drop handlebars, gears, brakes, and there are other stupid rules which probably dont apply to you unless you're stupidly wealthy.
bicycle john's grand prix is a .6 mi loop, and its timed. i think the women and beginner classes are running 40 minutes. don't get lapped because you can get pulled. and basically whoever crosses the finish line after 40 minutes of racing wins
_iJunes responding to a
comment by HappyLand
08.5.09 - 1:31 pm
the tricky part is handling. and i've had my share of close calls.
_iJunes08.5.09 - 1:34 pm
I am going to lose, but this looks so fucking fun.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.5.09 - 1:37 pm
yes, but not the right attitude to take into a high speed race.
you do have to prepare somewhat, and be ready to handle the intensity of the field around you. go to a couple of wolfpacks or bicykillers rides, and do your best to sit in the pack.
i myself am still REALLY trying to get comfortable with my handling.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by HappyLand
08.5.09 - 1:45 pm
Yes, you're right about the attitude thing. And yeah, it looks like the most challenging aspect is handling.
Are there any lady hustle rides? I'd feel more comfortable with that.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.5.09 - 1:53 pm
there used to be the air raid sirens, but i havent heard about them in a while. don't need a lady hustle ride, there are plentyyy of women out there who can leave me in the dust.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by HappyLand
08.5.09 - 1:54 pm
contact the OP, i'm sure she's setting up practice rides.
club rides are also good as well, as they often have women riders, many clubs ask you to join for a nominal fee + jersey costs which run ~200.
but yeah your team captain should reiterate all this info to you go e-mail her already
_iJunes08.5.09 - 1:56 pm
Yeah, I've already emailed her and I'm planning on going to the practice rides.
I wanted to ask here in case others were considering and had similar questions.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.5.09 - 2:15 pm
this saturday caturday warriors/team touch will go preview the BJGP course and do some climbing by griffith as well
_iJunes responding to a
comment by HappyLand
08.5.09 - 2:25 pm
Here it is out of the rulebook.
3E2. Road bicycles shall be used. Bicycles with a front hand brake and fixed wheel may also be used.
It's a one mile loop, but how many times do you do the loop?
It depends, the officials keep track of the lap times. They calculate how long it would take to do 5 laps. With that much time remaining on the clock, they start counting down the laps with lap cards. It start with 5 or 6 counting down to zero. At the last lap, lap card 1, they will ring a bell ( it's also called the bell lap).
Watch out for other bells as they are for primes. They are for prizes handed out through out the race.
My advice is sit with the pack for most of the race. Sit towards the middle, the temptation to sit in the back is great but you find yourself doing too much work. Same is true for the front. At times the pack will go slower than you would normally go and resist the temptation to attack (a rookie mistake). It's a 40 minute race, conserve your energy for the last part of the race.
sc_nomad responding to a
comment by HappyLand
08.5.09 - 2:32 pm
conserve your energy for the last part of the race.
ahh the part i forget or completely ignore.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by sc_nomad
08.5.09 - 2:52 pm
haha. you didnt want to name this thread "fast women" because that would be a double-entendre! haha!
tortuga_veloce08.5.09 - 2:52 pm
While the topic of bike handling is swirling about, I think the most critical aspect of handling in a race as far as preventing a crash is defending your front wheel. If your rear wheel is bumped you will likely hold your ground because most of your weight is sitting on it, but front wheel clipping is where people go down.
So as much as possible stay close and in the draft to conserve energy, but resist the temptation to overlap your front wheel with the wheels of riders in front of you. Wheel overlap can be done relatively safely only when the rider whose wheel you are overlapping is boxed in, meaning they have riders close to their left and right, and are thus forced to ride straight. When you overlap your front wheel and the person in front of you has room to move to the side, they may swerve to make a pass without seeing you, and since it's their back wheel and your front wheel, they will likely stay upright while you go down and cause a pile up crash.
So defend that front wheel with your life. In general from watching races, I see a lot more crashes in men's fields than ladies, maybe they get this concept more intuitively, or maybe that is just a product of overloaded men's fields.
GarySe7en08.5.09 - 3:13 pm
We'll talk all about how the races work, what to expect, etc at Brentwood and again the saturday before the race.
It doesn't matter if you are not the fastest rider. I'm certainly not. But I still have a blast. This is a time to test it out.
Maulie08.5.09 - 3:35 pm
Ain't no shame in knowing what you want and getting it in a timely manner.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
08.5.09 - 4:04 pm
the sound of rubber against rubber...
_iJunes responding to a
comment by GarySe7en
08.5.09 - 4:06 pm
count me in. so what are the dates, times, and places?
MaryZeiser08.5.09 - 6:08 pm
I'm down... but Meghan Maulie knows this...
Also down for a training ride Saturday morning (work permitting.)
I'm super rusty... haven't done a bicykiller's ride in months and months... but i'd love to start getting together for some serious speedy ladies rides soon.
canadienne08.5.09 - 6:33 pm
scroll up for details. if you drop me an email, i'll put you on my list and send you them directly.
m e g _ m a u r e e n @ y a h o o . c o m
canadianne will rock and roll. She's super speedy
Maulie08.5.09 - 6:39 pm
ahhh meghan i'm so sad i can't do this.
and yeah, canadienne will destroy all of you.
steph responding to a
comment by Maulie
08.5.09 - 11:59 pm
According to SoCalCycling, the Bicycle John's Glendale Criterium has been cancelled. But the FUN is not cancelled.
There are a couple of options. We can either do the Ontario GP the weekend before (my favorite race course) or we can do the race in Dominguez hills the weekend after.
Our meetup in Brentwood is STILL HAPPENING! woot. We can discuss our options there.
Ladies who are interested can scroll up and find my email address for more info or show up to the Voler Women's Cycling So Cal booth at the Brentwood Grand Prix this Sunday at 12:40pm.
I'm so excited to race with you ladies!
Maulie08.6.09 - 10:32 am
wait cancelled as in cancelled the first time and still couldnt get permits for the aug 30th date?
_iJunes08.6.09 - 11:03 am
cancelled as in it will not happen at all this year despite having already been rescheduled.
sorry junes.
Maulie responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.6.09 - 1:22 pm
mmk, well we also caravan to the summers end gp, so if anybody needs a ride with their bike, let the boys know.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by Maulie
08.6.09 - 1:59 pm
awesome ride today ladies!
See everyone tomorrow (sun) at the Brentwood Grand Prix meetup. 12:40p at the Voler Womens Cycling So Cal booth
Maulie08.8.09 - 10:56 am
Oooooh! HappyLand = other Liz! Nice meeting you today!
...and yes, good ride this morning!
canadienne responding to a
comment by HappyLand
08.8.09 - 12:59 pm
what a good video! what kind of training is needed for a race like this?
i'm slow
66608.8.09 - 1:08 pm
Heehee, yup, that was meeeeeeeeee.
Pleasure meeting ya this morning.
Looking forward to our next practice and to your first road race ; }
HappyLand responding to a
comment by canadienne
08.8.09 - 5:08 pm