Riding & Epilepsy/Seizures?

Thread started by
sinaphile at 07.29.09 - 10:58 pm
So I've got a wee bit of an issue & I REALLY hope someone can give me some advice on this. I was riding home from work Monday & I had a seizure. Got shoved in an ambulance & the whole 9 yards, without my permission. Now, I *do* have a seizure disorder, but I'm medicated & its pretty much under control 90% of the time, but this scared the SHIT outta me.
My bike is the thing that keeps me going every day. It's what I look forward to & it's been the best thing EVER for me. I love riding more than ANYTHING. Seriously. I CANNOT have my riding life put at risk...that would seriously damage me, I think. Naw, fuck that, I KNOW.
Does anyone else on here have epilepsy or seizures? Is there anything I should know? Any advice, suggestions or help? Words of encouragement? I could really use some assistance here.
Every time I've ridden past that corner since Monday I've been totally embarrassed, but I do it anyway. ANYTHING would be SO SO SO appreciated. I'm kinda embarrassed to even post this here, but I figured if I'm going to be riding with you guys (already have with some) you might as well know, right?
Soooo glad to hear you are fine Ariel. Were you riding in the street or sidewalk,or where you able to fall toward the curve? WoW! Your a cool chick, and I would hate to see something like this stop you from hanging out with us. Tell that siezure FU, I wont let you stop something that is wholly one of my favorite things to do in MY LIFE!
DeKadenzy07.30.09 - 11:02 am
Naw, its not gonna keep me from coming on rides or nothing. In fact I'm a hellova lot SAFER going on rides than I was riding by myself like I was. I was riding in the street, actually, and I was about to make a left turn, but I was waiting for the arrow to turn green. Small favors and all that....I was just hoping that someone might have some advice or know something, but it doesn't look like it, so I'm just gonna keep on keepin' on, I guess...
sinaphile responding to a
comment by DeKadenzy
07.30.09 - 2:32 pm
holy moly!
u are wearing a helmet right just in case you hit the ground?
how do these seizures come about? like, do u get some sort of warning symptom first or does it just come out of nowhere?
KiMS107.30.09 - 2:45 pm
Wow. This is a tricky situation. I am no expert on your condition. I had a friend who had many seizures due to epilepsy. We used to ride bikes without incident. He did have many uncontrollable accidents at inopportune moments, though.
I might regret saying this later, but, honestly, I would not advise you ride on busy streets, I'd stay to the right as much as possible, I'd double check my state before crossing intersections, and I wouldn't advise you to ride alone...
Joe Borfo07.30.09 - 2:50 pm
read this story,
Its about a Cyclist, Deanna Adams,
She has complete the Great Divide Race from Canada to Mexico. The GDR is a 2,800 mile race from Banff, Alberta to Antelope Wells, New Mexico. Canada to Mexico.
ON A FIXIE. With epilepsy.
You can do anything. Talk to doctors, and if your doctor discourages cycling, find one that will help you.
thegodofthor07.30.09 - 3:04 pm
yeah. please ignore what I said.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by thegodofthor
07.30.09 - 3:13 pm
My best advice...make sure key people on the rides know about your epilepsy and what to do if you have a seizure (this just happened on a ride I was on)...carry your information with you--emergency contact info, insurance card, etc. Make it easily accessible so calls can be made. I know people who ride AIDS/Lifecycle with seizure disorders...you can ride! Just help those around you help you...just in case...keep ridin'!
TheJen07.30.09 - 3:17 pm
TOTALLY! I'm helmet-head all the way...I grew up in this city & don't trust the drivers anymore than the horrible pavement, so I would like my brainmeats to stay in my skull, thanks!!
And honestly, my seizures? They are *SUPER* rare. I take medication for them and 98% I'm totally good. I have a normal life like anyone else, y'know? But when they do come...they do kinda come outta nowhere, although my suspicion is that the previous weekend of very little sleep and lots of parties, going out & excitement probably contributed a bit.
Has this ever come up at all before? Do you know?
sinaphile responding to a
comment by KiMS1
07.30.09 - 7:49 pm
Do those AIDS/Lifecycle people ride alone on a regular basis? Like commuter & stuff? I'm going to keep on riding no matter what & no matter what happens because its one of the things that brings me the most joy in life, but I'm trying to do a little research and find out how other folks work their "magic." :D My situation isn't even that bad at all, but I'd rather err on the side of caution than not.
sinaphile responding to a
comment by TheJen
07.30.09 - 7:57 pm
Yes. The one friend in particular who had a seizure on a training ride a few weeks ago does not drive. He is a bike commuter...
TheJen responding to a
comment by sinaphile
07.30.09 - 10:21 pm
Sowa I'd say, Crazyboards.org is helpful- and I remember a quote from there comparing the benefits of bicycling with those of medication (tegretol). Stay well.
sus07.30.09 - 10:42 pm
while not as "legit" of a seizure as yours, ive had a diabetic seizure while in the saddle. it suuuuuuuuuucked.
ruinedbyidiots07.30.09 - 11:51 pm
maybe get a roadID, those things are cool lookin...
maybe talk to ephanmerea he's a wealth on knowledge on the subj. Keed ridin.
dannyzuko07.31.09 - 1:22 am