Routes to the Beach from DTLA
Thread started by
braydon at 07.14.09 - 10:54 am
So yesterday I rode to the beach and back from DTLA (5th and Main), during the day light hours, hung out in Venice in the sun for a bit by the ocean and rode back. Took 1:08 on the way over and the same on the way back, stopping at most of the lights, as there was a decent amount of traffic.
I rode Venice west, and Washington back. Anyone know a route with less heavy traffic intersections? Would be faster, and more enjoyable without them..... or is this pretty much unavoidable?
i used to take santa monica east then wilshire when they merged... but thats just me
theladiesman07.14.09 - 10:56 am
Coldcut and I once took Olympic...
DONT take that... unless you absolutely love hills and extra unecessary milage :)
Gizzard07.14.09 - 11:07 am
Haha, yeah I used to take Olympic, until someone recommended Venice...
braydon responding to a
comment by Gizzard
07.14.09 - 11:20 am
Intersections like that are pretty much unavoidable. But, if you're heading down Venice, you can jump on the Ballona Creek path and miss a lot of those lights for the final leg of the trip. Same with Santa Monica if you hop onto Broadway.
Here are a couple of my most traveled routes. They're a little faked/frankensteined because I am usually starting in Koreatown and going either downtown or west.
Into Venice
Into Santa Monica
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by braydon
07.14.09 - 11:29 am
How about riding south to USC.
Go West on Olympic which turns to Rodeo Rd.
Left on Jefferson.
On your right is a finger of the LA River that leads to Marina Del Ray.
Get on it at Duquesne or Overland, Not sure where it starts.
This takes you to the ocean. No red lights or cars.
Get off at Lincoln.
Left at Washington.
Hit the bike path again.
Your there...
I think... Haven't tried it yet.
Logan...07.14.09 - 11:35 am
Bookmarked. I'll have to give these a try on my next ride.
braydon responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
07.14.09 - 11:35 am
Oops. Just realized that the route labeled "into Venice" doesn't actually take you into Venice, but instead to Mustache Bridge. Should say "down Venice" or something.
Ride on.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by braydon
07.14.09 - 11:40 am
So I took the Into Venice route, Olympic -> Pico -> Venice, I missed the turn on Culver and went on Venice all the way. It wasn't faster, actually about 10min longer than my last trip. However that could have been because of the head wind, or I could have just been riding slower. I am bummed I missed the bike trail though, next time.
braydon responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
08.1.09 - 10:56 pm
Washington on the way back worked pretty well though, timed the lights just about right.
braydon08.1.09 - 11:01 pm
MacArthur Park to the Beach with NO major streets, No major intersections.
This route is a little wind-y and takes a bit longer than the venice blvd straight shot, and has a couple small climbs, but nothing much, and it's much more relaxing.
Venice is still the fastest route though.
This is just the most enjoyable.
FuzzBeast08.1.09 - 11:28 pm
Nice, I'll have to give it a try too.
braydon responding to a
comment by FuzzBeast
08.1.09 - 11:34 pm
the ballona creek bike path is a very useful path, at times it can be slightly dangerous, as it runs directly behind the mar vista gardens housing projects. but i've never had trouble on it, i've only heard a few stories online of gang members attacking solo riders for their money. for you, i'd recommend riding south on any street in downtown to Jefferson, and heading west on jefferson all the way to la cienega, just past that intersection (if you stay right on national), you'll run over the ballona creek and there will be a ramp to the path. take it all the way to the beach if you'd like, you'll then have to ride around marina del rey on a specified bike path and then get onto the beach bike path via washington. or you can take the more direct route and get off at lincoln blvd and ride that up to venice blvd or california ave or something. good luck!
superblueman308.1.09 - 11:35 pm
During my seven month, forward deployment to the hotzone, the Venice and Washington wayroutes worked just fine for me.
And I will agree that I took Olympic on a few occasions and deemed it lesser than enjoyable.
bentstrider08.1.09 - 11:36 pm
Wait, never-mind, it took me the exact same amount of time as my last trip 1:08, weird.
braydon08.1.09 - 11:51 pm
My favorite route from Culver City/Mar Vista/Venice to downtown.
Take Venice east til the street after Crenshaw. Make a left on Bronson.
Take Bronson north to Pico and then depending on traffic continue north on Bronson or head east one street.
Continue north on Bronson or Norton until you hit Country Club Drive.
Take Country Club Drive east until Western. Make a left on Western then a right on 11th Street.
Continue east on 11th Street til Hoover. Take Hoover north to Olympic.
Take Olympic east to downtown.
I much prefer taking Country Club drive and 11th street to Venice or Pico or Olympic for those 2 miles. West of Crenshaw, Venice has a bike lane so its not so bad. But those two miles on Country Club drive and 11th are enjoyable. You could also scoot up to Pico earlier, at La Brea, as that is where Venice and Pico are closest in their entire lengths, but then you have to go from La Brea to Bronson on Pico, which doesn't have a bike lane and isn't that fun.
Reverse the route to go West.
gregb08.2.09 - 2:19 am