i'm this close to doing the Everest challenge and i need somebody to climb Griffith with all day, if you want to just ride ->http://www.everestchallenge.com/
you might want to check lafixed, there are some roadies on there.
or bike forums.
mikeywally08.25.09 - 4:01 pm
i'm actually currently going through the background check to start my journey as a lvll 3 coach.
i think for the level that most of us are at, we just need to watch our dietary intake, train smart, and balance everything. Team Touch has a team trainer that nobody taps into because us guys and our egos right?
if you want to get seriously serious, put together a team. riding with riders at the same level as you will help you get stronger faster. also makes training seem less like a regimen. its wayy to easy to fall out in a slump and regain 15 lbs of fat over the course of one summer.
most teams will have coaches or people who have been riding long enough to help you anyways.
_iJunes08.25.09 - 4:12 pm