wade park on the westside. after SMCM. around 12 or 1.
310 878 7680.
Frozen Fingersss08.7.09 - 9:52 pm
Hmm. This was super fun last time. Any Valley Ridazz want to meet up this side of Sepulveda to join in? My current plan is to start climbing around 11:15 from the Galleria.
danya08.7.09 - 10:46 pm
Culver West Park?
alec08.7.09 - 11:22 pm
wade park, its off of washington right near the 99cent store- near where washington splits into blvd and place. i believe its wade st? that you turn onto (heading south) and you dead end into the park.
moondance08.8.09 - 1:16 am
this is so ridiculously fun. too bad i'm a sick puppy
tinycities08.8.09 - 9:22 pm