ATTN: duderina
Thread started by
KiMS1 at 11.23.08 - 5:27 am
i really hope you don't have bigger balls than i do.
theyre pretty big.
id feel really sorry for you if you had to deal with sitting on sack for however many miles like i do.
chafe city.
as far as you doing/attempting wolfpack,
congratulations. you let those legs fly and tore the streets of los angeles a new asshole.
i have a lot of respect for all you wolfpack heads. you guys scared me off from your ride.
me attempting to ride wolfpack ended a long time ago when i decided to start smoking again, decided that tina's 25 cent burritos werent really that bad, and i realized that girls don't really give a shit if i can ride my bike from dtla to sma and back within and hour and a half. they still assume i ride my bike due to a DUI.
yeah, thats the type of girls i hang out with. they fucking suck.
i'll be at wolfpack in a couple weeks. i just got a second wind on workout rides.
ive been starting to gain weight from previously mentioned burritos and my ass scoring capabilities have diminished exponentially with my growing gut size. i need something to slim me down real quick and i remembered that riding really hard till i want to puke did the trick real well.
so yeah,
i'll see all you motherfuckers in a couple weeks. get ready to see me huffing and puffing with the stink of sweat and chamois butter.
whats with all the wolfpack titled threads on teh left?
KiMS111.23.08 - 5:30 am
Come on out. I always tell people, wolfpack is as fast as you make it. if you feel you are out of shape, go at least 4 weeks in a row I guarantee you will make it back to Tangs by the 4th week if not less.
As for duderina's bumping of wolfpack hustle threads... that was a nice blast from the past!
Roadblock11.23.08 - 11:04 am
lol- touchy!!
just a joke man. Don't be offended. I have bigger balls than most men I meet. I'm pretty manly to be honest. Which isn't necessarily a good thing. And, while I have absolutely no idea how you men walk around with all that shit dangling around down there, I would GLADLY trade that for what us women have to go through. GLADLY. Although I do love being a much does it cost to take your uterus out? That is the main source of my agony.
Let's ride homes!
la duderina11.23.08 - 11:59 am
what time do you guys usually get back? another reason why i havent made it to wolfpack is bc of the whole weeknight thing.
im just messin around hahaha. ill hopefully see you all very soon. i think its about time for me to get my shit together.
KiMS111.23.08 - 1:24 pm
haha. cool man. see you there
I wish I knew what time they usually get back :( LOL. According to RB, I'll find out tomorrow.
la duderina11.23.08 - 1:34 pm
You act like your so fucking nice.
Your a fucking troll and you were to stupid to realize this for your self.
TIMESARECHANGING responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.26.09 - 5:51 pm
ey you got beef?
put it on my grill
_iJunes responding to a
08.26.09 - 5:52 pm
ewwww you want my beef on your grill? wtf i had no freaking idea you were into this type of stuff.
TIMESARECHANGING responding to a
comment by _iJunes
08.26.09 - 5:54 pm
What's going on? All of a sudden all of TAMPONCHANGING's posts look like this
@$%&* !#$%$# @$^%@#@
@#$# %@#%$$# @$#@$@
@#$^T$#%#$%^#$%#$ ^*@%$(*@#$ @%$*#@$(@#
huh..oh well. Not like the person ever posted anything worth reading anyways.
la duderina08.26.09 - 6:09 pm
this fake name has been booted.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.26.09 - 6:38 pm
did he post another ride with the word hustle?
Tampon Hustle
snowcone responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.26.09 - 6:39 pm
Too bad they'll just make another one... :(
la duderina responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.26.09 - 6:42 pm
did their ip match up with any other posters on this site?
ruinedbyidiots08.26.09 - 6:45 pm
i didnt think this site logged ips?
larsenf responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
08.26.09 - 6:46 pm
I've had a fever for two days now and I'm a little delirious, so imagine my confusion when I navigated to this site and found all the ATTNs....
la duderina, I dunno if we've met, but you sound awesome.
That's all.
Back to my fever-induced delirium. Sweating it out until I can go to the doctor tomorrow.
HappyLand responding to a
comment by la duderina
08.26.09 - 8:12 pm