Happy birthday FRANZ

Thread started by
Coe coe buttaa at 10.4.09 - 10:13 am
25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25!25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25!25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25!25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25! 25!
25 bags of frza on the wall 25 bags of franz
HANDBONE10.4.09 - 10:14 am
cause hes a jolly good fewo cause hes a jolly good fewo
HANDBONE10.4.09 - 10:14 am
HEY FRANZ!!! for your birthday i have decided to sing you a song.
hey hey hey franz franz franz
look at sheli sheli danz
wait shes lost !
have u seen sheli
sheli sheli sheli
if you find sheli
put her in our bellys
or call call call me
at area coded 333
oh wait its 999 nevermind
franz franz franz i can see you
ps:sheli is still lost in texas
andres8410.4.09 - 1:50 pm
Wow, Franz was actually born? I thought they made him in a lab.
Franzia for all tonight!!!
X-Large responding to a
comment by andres84
10.4.09 - 1:55 pm
Happy Birthday!!!!
What? I'll be celebrating at ZooBOMB hope to see you Y'all there 10:30 you know where.
franz10.4.09 - 5:53 pm