bait bicycles
Thread started by
onemanstrash at 08.31.09 - 5:01 am
I'm all for entrapment. I also like the idea of building a bike that will fall apart the minute the thief puts his weight on it for extra laughs on camera :)
o m g
that is awesome!! *ideas zipping around my brain!* =)
natefrogg08.31.09 - 9:43 am
This probably shouldn't be posted on here....just do it.
barleye08.31.09 - 9:48 am
so what to do if the thieves take the bait in los angeles??? any suggestions?
andres8408.31.09 - 9:51 am
a public flogging would be extremely effective imho
natefrogg responding to a
comment by andres84
08.31.09 - 9:54 am
how about we just all sit around until they steal it and then flash mob with cameras yah?
66608.31.09 - 9:59 am
A few of us were gonna try to bait a bike in a heavily bike traveled / bike theft area with a thin bike lock and just do an old school stakeout. We just never got around to doing it yet....
it just takes patience....may not happen on the first stakeout.
barleye responding to a
comment by 666
08.31.09 - 10:49 am
u-locking the little bitch ass to a parking meter by the neck is the best punishment idea I've heard of so far. maybe spraypaint the little bitch in the face too. imagine an hour of being ulocked to a parking meter waiting for the cops to come rescue him ahhahaha
mankini08.31.09 - 1:38 pm