you wanna mess with me
Thread started by
Huey555k at 08.31.09 - 12:18 am
this is how I look like..dont mess with me tuff.
go on with your bad self
do you happen to do any grind tricks on that wacky apparatus? i dig watching the street freestylers grind everything up, good times =)
natefrogg08.31.09 - 12:42 pm
Save pics of hipsters on fixies, they'll be funnier than this pic, in a few years.
Months, even. Hell, now, even.
turrican08.31.09 - 7:08 pm
I, for one, welcome the hipsters. They're the evolution of emo kids and/or had some emo tendencies a few years ago. As long as all the scene kids and emo kids aren't razoring their bangs and devil locks, and instead are riding bicycles and listening to broader spectrum of music.. I guess I'm mostly cool with it :]
merrickx08.31.09 - 7:22 pm
they dont listen to moss icon or the hated nor do they know what revolution summer was, so i dont think you can call them "emo".
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by merrickx
08.31.09 - 7:26 pm
I neither welcome nor unwelcome them; I don't really give a shit about genres/cliques/etc.
But I always have a good laugh at the expense of those who take themselves too seriously.
turrican responding to a
comment by merrickx
08.31.09 - 7:35 pm
In stark contrast to my past comments about "dude-bruhs", I've been seeing a rising contingent of "flatbillers" among the fixed crowd when I've gone down to the rides.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by merrickx
08.31.09 - 7:56 pm
WOW!! LMAO!! my favorite...
Huey555 responding to a
comment by Adrian_The_BEAST
08.31.09 - 9:49 pm
lol known for history to repeat it self.Im sure of it
Huey555 responding to a
comment by turrican
08.31.09 - 9:50 pm
and this is my best friend...dont mess with us...we are gangsta!! BAM! BAM!!
Huey55508.31.09 - 10:07 pm
i want to mess. goldsprints? tangs to dockweiler? jousting? take your pick asshat..
larsenf responding to a
comment by Huey555
09.1.09 - 7:17 pm